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27th of Symswald, 932

A Pledge to Balance

by Grayson Longstrider

I had just returned to my room in the Hunter's Guild, sitting on the edge of my bed. I began counting the gold I had made for the night when I saw movement from my peripheral. My face shot in the direction of the movement and there stood Endriss as he appeared in my visions and dreams but in person he towered over me. Endriss kneeled down so he could be at my eye level. "Let me give you purpose in this life, Grayson." I couldn't tell if he was serious or not as the facial expressions on the twin faces never changed. He spoke again, no change in his voice. "Pledge yourself to me and the balance of Astora and I will give you the guidance and tools needed to balance life and death around you at YOUR discretion."
I gave myself several seconds to think before I gazed back up at him.
"What must I do?" I asked, ready for this challenge.
A distant cackle escaped Endriss but it was as if it didn't come from the form in front of me. My spellbook that laid on the nightstand next to the bed opened and began flipping pages at increasing speed until a sudden stop on a blank page. A runic sigil began forming on the page as if it was being burnt onto the page. When the sigil was finished, I looked at Endriss and he was gone. Only the trailing of his voice remained.
"Gather your closest friends and sear the sigil into your skin with ink on the 1st of Harchment."
Grayson Longstrider

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  1. Death of Therg
    24th of Haggryme, 932
  2. The Ancient Oak
    2nd of Symswald, 932
  3. Endriss
    10th of Symswald, 932
  4. The Days Drag...
    13th of Symswald, 932
  5. The Calling
    22nd of Symswald, 932
  6. A Pledge to Balance
    27th of Symswald, 932
  7. The Black Cloaks
    1st of Harchment, 932