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24th of Haggryme, 932

Death of Therg

by Grayson Longstrider

"We lost a good man today. I didn't initially care for Therg but after getting to know him, it wasn't easy to lose him. I will try to reach out to his family. He didn't die in vain. You were my boy, Therg! Also, I'm gonna wife up Ren."
Grayson Longstrider

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  1. Death of Therg
    24th of Haggryme, 932
  2. The Ancient Oak
    2nd of Symswald, 932
  3. Endriss
    10th of Symswald, 932
  4. The Days Drag...
    13th of Symswald, 932
  5. The Calling
    22nd of Symswald, 932
  6. A Pledge to Balance
    27th of Symswald, 932
  7. The Black Cloaks
    1st of Harchment, 932