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22nd of Symswald, 932

The Calling

by Grayson Longstrider

"Open your eyes..." A whispered, raspy voice calls out to me, echoing as if in a large auditorium. "Open them..." The echo of the haunting tone dropping a few octaves in pitch. My eyelids flutter, a blurry canvas appearing in my vision. A chilling chuckle escapes the twin-faced being that appeared in front of me as the cloud in front of my eyes dissipated. Endriss took two steps back, looking over me as I seemingly laid in my bed but I was not in my bed within the Hunter's Guild. I was in a darkened abyss, another dimension, and it felt lonely. The twin-faced God spoke up again, his long fingers stroking upon an imaginary beard on the bottom of his mask. "Grayson Longstrider... The Redeemed... The Resurrected... That is what they will call you now you know." I only stared at the pacing Endriss as he spoke. "You think that cleric resurrected you alone? Without my help?" He lets out a maniacal laugh as he set his eyes on me again. "No... No... I brought you back for a purpose. I call upon thee, Grayson Longstrider, to be the disciple that brings followers back to my name. Long enough has it been since I, Endriss, has been forgotten." His form shifts and within an instant he appeared next to my bedside kneeling. He spoke again and with every word, the tone of his voice got deeper and deeper. "We will bring balance back to this world."
I awoke with a gasp, sitting up quickly from my bed. The sudden movement sent my mind into vertigo as I closed my eyes in an attempt to stop it. A cold sweat covered my body, my chest expanding as I breathed slowly. 'What the hell was that?' I thought to myself. 'Am I going insane?'
Grayson Longstrider

Continue reading...

  1. Death of Therg
    24th of Haggryme, 932
  2. The Ancient Oak
    2nd of Symswald, 932
  3. Endriss
    10th of Symswald, 932
  4. The Days Drag...
    13th of Symswald, 932
  5. The Calling
    22nd of Symswald, 932
  6. A Pledge to Balance
    27th of Symswald, 932
  7. The Black Cloaks
    1st of Harchment, 932