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Tue 16th May 2023 01:55

Session 13

by Azar Kamder

Session 13
The person who can get us magical items and wants to destroy the Silk Dredge is the same person. The purple skinned Tiefling boy Torahn is the one we want to talk to about the man we need to talk to. The path to Averius Vandel is marked by red paint from Torahn's fingerprints. He knows where to find Magical Weapons and has a strong dislike for the Northwind Kingdom. We followed the trail into a dark underground area and arrived at a tower.
Averius is a red haired Dwarf who is probably a little crazy. He is intensely magical. He has a pet Otter named Thorak. The magic items we are looking for are kept at Helohaus and Clocherin Lobros, which are on the path to Felrok.