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Fri 17th Mar 2023 08:41

Session 7

by Azar Kamder

Gunt and Bramble
2 days worth of hyena meat
Items in cave: Set of 4 spell scrolls
Random key
Dagger that creates its own light, moon hilt. (Moon touched)
Maroon Mantle with arcane sigils inside
Three flasks of alchemists fire
Random potion with waves inside of it
A group of five dead falcons bound together with feathers plucked, with open mouths and a Jotun rune attached, the symbol for stone. (Birds were killed by a bludgeoning force. Hempen rope binds them. Mouths are kept open by rocks in their mouths. Each one is missing feathers from the left wing.)
On the back wall there is a charcoal drawing of symbols of groves of trees, symbol of a ravine, symbol of an Ettin holding up gifts of some kind, a a symbol of a much larger being than the Ettin wielding a massive sword accepting the gift.
Asgut (Name the Ettin said before death)
Total of 240 GP (40 went to Shetra)
It took us about 9 days to get from Hektia to Wella's Stashcave