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Tue 4th Apr 2023 01:33

Session 10 & 11

by Azar Kamder

We got to Brofton and found a wanted poster outside of the city with descriptions for the three of us. Socc socc decided to talk to Lefty through the stone, and he told us we should probably get out of the country. We talked about whether we want to seek the aid of the criminal factions, or even how, or if we should just bolt south until we hit the ocean and get out of the country that way. We decided no matter what, we needed to go into Brofton for supplies, Rations, potions, a map, and a magic weapon if we could procure one. Inside of the city, a blind man took me to the central structure of the lake, where the shops are. He told me that he could tell I was on the run and he asked me if what for. I did not tell him much but I did ask him if he knew where I could buy a magic weapon. He said no shops sold them here but that there are some in the bottom of the lake. Perhaps he is aware of someone who could point us in the right direction or someone who could get us out of the country safely. The Innith road is closed, so says the Town Crier. The Siltdredge is running for the next three nights (met with poor reactions) Denton Tiffle was the man who boated me the central Barge.
Session 11
"Engineers of the Silk Dredge"
The play "oh great general" is recounting of the war of Thunder and Shield". We can see the mountain range from where we are. There is a tower in the center of the barge. Mercenaries went to Jax's weapon smith, lowlife is there. I am heading to Cyrus' Ceromancy to buy potions. The shop is held together entirely by wax and is run by a Fire Genasi man named Cyrus. The candle in the center of the room seems to have something ruinic in it.
Cyrus showed me the future. A being holding a sword 10 times their size, the mountains of Jotunheim (Probably), and a land mass floating in the air. I bought 4 common healing potions from him and asked him about the soul rune inside his candle. He denied that it existed.
Socc Socc headed to Gloria's Bakery. It has a small entrance and seems to be made for short folk. The bakery is filled with children. Gloria has 16 children.
On his way to the general store, Peregrimm walked past a government building of purple and gold, it had Marked Guard outside of it. Peregrimm found his way to Red or Alive: Trinkets and Fantasies. It is incredibly messy and Peregrimm by an unkempt human man. The man asked Peregrimm if he was "a friend of the owner." and Peregrimm said yes. The man said that he was a bit early but that he would get his "gift from the boss" and some maps. The man (Conlen) came back with some maps and the gift which was a vase with some plants. Peregrimm told him that he was not actually the guy and Conlen responded by saying the boss told him that he would be a bit of a prankster. The owner of Red or Alive is into some shady shit and is currently at a ball in Osteroost.
We congregated at The Wailing Smugglers Inn and Oddity Shop. It is dingy and gross. We heard about the Smuggler's Road which is an open route into the Astranian League. It seems the Astranian League and Northwind Kingdom are on the brink of war.