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Fri 17th Mar 2023 08:38

Session 2

by Azar Kamder

Cinder's Hollow baby
Crime's will be doubly charged today.
Go to the bow, in the lower station down into the eaves.
Diog the Fire Giant who runs Diog's Hammer in The Ore Arterial. He told me that Hektia was shitty but it was home.
Arster (Bartender at Hilldew's Hillden)
The Dazzling tree
Hyde's house was probably burned down because a lot of people don't like him. Detlev Keim, his landlord and the landlord of Orabella's crossing, didn't like him either.
On the horizon, smoke rises (In giant) and elvish man sand this before a marked guard tackled him, gagged him, and threw him on the back of the axebeak.