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Fri 17th Mar 2023 08:43

The Cycle of Rage

by Azar Kamder

I keep thinking about the adrenaline pumping through my body, the heat emanating off of my skin, the power I felt in that moment. There was no other course of action but to destroy what was right in front of me, and yet in that space there was a primal fear, the fear of the conquered. I knew that I could not overcome what was in front of me, so I got away at all costs. Now my muscles ache, my skin feels burnt, and my ears are filled with their screams; the screams of the axebeak when I crushed its leg, the screams of the man when I impaled him, the screams of my father in battle, the screams of Kamder as he saw the slaughter of his people, my screams when I saw my brothers body. It is cyclical, all of it, but too much pressure and the wheel must break. Surely their wheel has a breaking point as well. I need to know more about these colonizers before I can even attempt to set my people free. I will ensure that they break before we do, and I only know one way to do it.