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Patchwall 27

Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Three

by Aeryn Sollin

Today is the day. Drift has reminded me of the plan at least twice in my various times coming down to practice through the routines with Hendrix and Saelest. Though, he still has not found anyone to "protect" me through the night. He assures me he will find some folk to fill the position- with the promise of 1,000 gold I am surprised no one has taken the job.. To each their own, I guess. Well, here's to hoping those that do can hold their own. I'm not strong enough yet myself to heal all of those in my path. Maybe one day.
Until next time,

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  1. To Tali and Dekki
    Wealsun 13
  2. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt One
    Patchwall 22
  3. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Two
    Patchwall 26
  4. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Three
    Patchwall 27
  5. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Four
    Patchwall 28