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Wealsun 13

To Tali and Dekki

by Aeryn Sollin

If I ever were to perish, I do hope this journal reaches you. I hope the family has gotten my letters over the years. I'm sorry for disappearing, but I had to leave. The farm was suffocating me. Maybe one day we will meet again... if not here then possibly after death. Inside you will find recounts of my adventures in the world. I do hope you enjoy them.
I love both of you to the stars above and a trillion times over.
Until next time,

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  1. To Tali and Dekki
    Wealsun 13
  2. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt One
    Patchwall 22
  3. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Two
    Patchwall 26
  4. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Three
    Patchwall 27
  5. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Four
    Patchwall 28