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Patchwall 26

Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Two

by Aeryn Sollin

Earlier this morning Drift approached with an offer- a way for me to aid him and the town of Trigol in catching the thieves of the night. They steal from those that seem to hold valuables, mostly from different taverns around the settlement. In exchange, he offered board, meals, and dressed me in fancy clothing for the event. Yearning for the feel of a challenge, I agreed. I am to take on the role of Lady Burgundy - a woman of high fame, known for her performances. She is of wealth in the Duchy of Ulek. She arrives at the tavern without a protection detail, supposedly the reasoning behind it being her lack of knowledge regarding current ongoings in the town. Seems to be a bit of a stretch, but I can work with it. I only have to successfully play out the role for one evening, after all. Drfift advised he would seek a party to assist in the actual defeat of the thieves, though who knows how good they will be at the job. While I trust Drift, despite the short time I have known him, people can lie about their credentials. While I am a bit warry of the outcome, I know I must do it. It's only fair for him hiring me and being gracious enough to provide a place for me to safely sleep. Let's just hope the party he entrusts with my safety can handle the thieves that come at us in the dead of night. While I can hold my own, I fear whatever is coming may be a bit beyond my ability if I were to encounter them one on one. After so many years on my own, endangering myself in this manner is a bit out of character I shall admit. Maybe I'm just tired of the same routine. Well, let's hope this goes well.
Until next time,

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  1. To Tali and Dekki
    Wealsun 13
  2. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt One
    Patchwall 22
  3. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Two
    Patchwall 26
  4. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Three
    Patchwall 27
  5. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Four
    Patchwall 28