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Patchwall 22

Steel Tankard Tavern Pt One

by Aeryn Sollin

The troupe of drum players did not lie - the settlement of Trigol is fascinating. I have found shelter and employment at the Steel Tankard Tavern. For the past several days I explore during the day, which always brings new sights to see, and perform in the evening alongside the musicians Hendrix and Saelest. The two of them are nice enough. Hendrix likes small talk where Saelest prefers silence. I don't mind the small talk, but he can get rather annoying. Drift is an amazing employer and the regulars of the establishment are generous with the coin they share. I am very fond of this place and may find myself wanting to stay here for the near future. It provides a cozy break from the constant travel, though I do miss the cool air of the night in the dark of the trails. We shall see how long this place remains my home... or better, how long Drift will keep me employed. It seems my performances please him. As they should, I am good at what I do. The steady coin will aid in my eventual departure- that is for certain.
Until next time,

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  1. To Tali and Dekki
    Wealsun 13
  2. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt One
    Patchwall 22
  3. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Two
    Patchwall 26
  4. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Three
    Patchwall 27
  5. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Four
    Patchwall 28