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Patchwall 28

Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Four

by Aeryn Sollin

Yesterday went very well. Drift did find a party to accompany me into town to rally up a crowd and possibly find information regarding the burglaries. The makeup was a rowdy group- Ark the tiefling, Crixus the dwarf, Fane the elf, Peak the tabaxi, and Halibut (Peak's familiar- a bird). Tahl, while there and part of the group, was the least rowdy of them all. He seems to be the sneaky one of the bunch. And we can't forget about Hendrix and Saelest. They came along at the permission of Drift to play for me so I could provide a taste of the performance to the public. The goal was to drive a large enough crowd into the tavern for Drift, and possibly entice the burglars to my room this evening. So far, the act as Lady Burgundy has gone on without issue. Not even the "protection detail" seems to question it. Maybe this little mask will be fun to wear for awhile. How long til they find out LB is just Aeryn Sollin - the lonesome traveler who abandoned her family?
We headed to this mage shop first, after introductions in the tavern, and a few of the party members headed inside to discuss purchase of items with the shop owner. Crixus mentioned parading down from there to the market to draw in a good crowd, which we all agreed was a good idea. My performance outside the shop drew a good crowd, but not near as many as when we hit the market! You should have seen the amount of people there. It was outstanding. Though, it soon became a bit much, so the party decided to escort me (or, well, Lady Burgundy!) back to the tavern. My big perofrmance on stage that evening was even better - and I made quite the coin from it! You would be impressed... or I hope you would be impressed.
After the performance, I was exhausted! I put so much into that performance that it wore me out - not to mention all the practicing and performing out on the street! As soon as we got to the rooms, I fell into meditation to get some rest. Peak set Halibut outsie my window and a trap beneath the window on the floor. Fane was outside the bedroom, and the remainder of the group dispersed to the rooms on either side of mine. Tahl, however, was not seen after my performance. I hope everything is okay for him.
I barely got any rest, however, as the room was invaded by freaking dolls! Toys! Though, Fane took out the Bo Peep rather quick as she descended into the room through the hearth, and the fall of the creepy vampire doll went down too eventually. Crixus smashed it to bits. The rest, besides Peak, went hurling out of the window when a stink cloud started making us sick. I avoided the sickness, luckily, but many of my new friends were affected. Peak found a jester toy on the roof that we ended up chasing through the town streets. I nearly got attacked by these drunken idiots while chasing the jester toy, but I shot out a spell- calm emotions. Some chilled out and the rest remained pissed. One tried to attack me, but missed entirely.
The chase ended up this gigantic tower place where we met Tyr. Peak took to the roof and used some item to blast a tree into the wall! The rest of us busted through the front door. Immediately we saw more toys and they started attacking. Well, sort of. Crixus got attacked by this chef puppet and a table that animated. While this was going on, I threw a maid puppet into the fireplace fire. It was creeping me out. Fights ensued on every level as we split into different groups. There were two many toys attacking to keep track of them all. I was mostly running around and throwing healing at different folk the entire time... Though, I did scale the side of the building at one point to try and get to Peak. We hadn't heard or seen him so I feared something had gone wrong. I was correct, but too late. Peak was dead before I could help.
Fights continued. As we fought our way through toy after toy, we finally found the owner's belongings. She left a letter for us.. Well, we assume it is a 'she' based on her clothing. Someone named Bromwell.
You would think this would finish off our fun, but as we were leaving the guard cut us off. Carrying along a trunk and a dead body I can agree it looked like we were robbing the place. Our story was quickly believed after the Captain investigated the building himself. We were released and watched as they burned the tower to the ground. Our return to the tavern was met well. Drift came to speak with us, give us our reward for the job, and to thank us for our service. He also offered to take care of Peak's body- sending it off correctly as the way tabaxis wish to be sent off.
I decided against keeping the mask up. Despite my untruthfulness, the party did work together well to overtake the tower puppets. They helped Drift and Drift helped me. I revealed my true self by my true name. The next few days look to have us attending Peak's funeral and getting ready for our next adventure. Ikran, who aided us in the tower, offered us a job to collect an item from some sort of caverns or what have you. Without much else to do, I might as well join. Lets see where this takes me.
Until next time,

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  1. To Tali and Dekki
    Wealsun 13
  2. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt One
    Patchwall 22
  3. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Two
    Patchwall 26
  4. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Three
    Patchwall 27
  5. Steel Tankard Tavern Pt Four
    Patchwall 28