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12 Cizek 532 EC

The First Day

by Sakura Sasaki

We eventually made our way to the kitchens to get ourselves some breakfast and meet with Officer Zhi. On arrival I decided to start making my secret green tea (the best green tea in Kiga I must say.) A small mass of samurai gathered as I made enough tea for them all, and Astraea remarked that I'd have no trouble finding suitors, to which I smiled. Inside I was holding myself back from telling her I'm not in need of a suitor, and asking why she would be thinking of such things after firstly just meeting me, and secondly at breakfast.
I then saw Aien take out a bottle of sake, and highly disapproving of morning drinking, especially when there's so much to do in a day, I stole the bottle using my telekinesis. He watched it slowly float towards me and land beside my teapot. As expected, he didn't react well, and ended up putting his sword to my back. In response, I used my magic again to shove him backwards. Officer Zhi ultimately resolved the issue. As my commanding officer, she has my respect, and I will not disobey her. Thus, I gave Aien's sake back. Soon after a small pixie, who the party appeared to recognise, arrived, and I learnt that her name was Mary. Officer Zhi then gave us the briefing of what we would be doing today, and gave me the nickname "Saki," which I suppose I'm okay with. Officer Zhi is someone I have decided will be a good role model for me. She is able to defuse tense situations, and appears to value the code as I do.
Officer Zhi, along with Mary and Astraea accompanied me to the tattoo parlour. Getting my first tattoo was an amazing experience, which will remain in my memories forever. This tattoo of Byakko will protect me from that which wishes to harm me. The tattoo took most of the day, but I was still able to get some training in before going to meet the Daimyo.
Most of the information discussed was not something that I had been a part of, but Seto was awarded a promotion, and a seeming 'gift' of the deed to the bathhouse. Knowing Daichi, that was no gift. That man disgusts me, though I'd never say it out loud. The matter of Aien's uncle, the elf strewn up on the wall, was brought up, and much to my relief Aien asked for the right to execute him. I originally had to hold myself back, as shouting at the Daimyo for being barbaric wouldn't have been the best choice, but luckily he gave Aien permission. I was happy that he would be allowed to end his suffering. However bad the deed, there is no Compassion in torturing him, or Honour in keeping him alive.
As it was almost time for the wake, we then headed off to prepare for it.

Continue reading...

  1. A Chaotic Night- and it's consequences
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  2. An Interesting Party
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  3. The First Day
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  4. The Wake
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  5. Failed Execution
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  6. The Funeral
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  7. A Test of Something I Did Not Have
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  8. A Duel
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  9. I am a Samurai
    13 Cizek 532 EC