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12 Cizek 532 EC

An Interesting Party

by Sakura Sasaki

I had just met my commanding officer: Officer Zhi. Although I don't know much about her, she seems to be someone highly admirable and respectable and I have already taken a liking to her. She was asked to stay behind as we headed to what I assumed were the squad's quarters. Astraea asked if I knew the way, assuming that because I wasn't already in a squad I was a complete rookie. What she didn't know is that I'd been training in this city for multiple years at this point. I told her this and she seemed surprised. I suppose I would be too... It's not often that you find fifteen year-olds at the brink of becoming fully fledged samurai.
We arrived at the Hohei Quarters as the squad had begun to wake. A large black Tabaxi looked towards us and remarked: "Replaced Kit already?" This started a large and heated argument of which I had no part in. Feeling like this was a more private conversation, and slightly out of place, I headed outside and sat on the steps to contemplate exactly what I had gotten myself into. After a while, a tall masked figure approached me and said: "C'mon, you're a part of this too now." as he walked inside. I followed, and was finally introduced to everyone.
The Tabaxi was Seto, a monk in training, studying at the Bushi school under Master Satsujinki Shi. The tall masked figure was Aien, who was in training to become a ninja. Then there was Jerry, a mousefolk who seemed interested in smithing and of course Astraea, who seemed to be studying Archery.
The aura around the party was extremely tense, which I later found out was due to the death of Kit Mak. Seto seemed to be the most level-headed out of the bunch, but didn't do a fantastic job at easing the fiery remarks being sent flying between party members. Astraea seemed to have a deep and genuine hatred for Aien, which I didn't truly understand, and Aien seemed to be apathetic towards the situation- and everything in general. Seto and Jerry seemed to pay no notice to me, so I wasn't able to get a thorough read on them. Jerry seemed tired, and stayed out of the 'conversation' for the most part, while Seto participated slightly more actively. However, the main two participants were Astraea and Aien, whom I was able to read slightly better and form opinions on.
Once again I wondered what on Arenia had I gotten myself into.

Continue reading...

  1. A Chaotic Night- and it's consequences
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  2. An Interesting Party
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  3. The First Day
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  4. The Wake
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  5. Failed Execution
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  6. The Funeral
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  7. A Test of Something I Did Not Have
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  8. A Duel
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  9. I am a Samurai
    13 Cizek 532 EC