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13 Cizek 532 EC

A Duel

by Sakura Sasaki

I eventually pulled myself out of my own mind and decided to have a duel with the two that were waiting outside. They were incredibly cocky as me and Mary took them up on their challenge, only spurring my need to beat them on. I would not fail twice today. They revealed that they each had all five of their rings as the duel began, but I remained strong and didn't allow that to intimidate me. Mary would take on the monk, and I would take on the samurai. She defeated her opponent with ease while I struggled a bit, much to my embarrassment.
As the duel went on, it had gotten to a point where I had almost lost, and although I didn't end up losing the duel, I did lose control as I released a Fireball down on my opponent, singing the area around him and causing him to need medical care. I was happy I had won the duel. I'd succeeded at something today. I felt ashamed of my loss of control, and attempted to help clean up my mess, with not much success. Thankfully Mary was able to repair the tree at least.
I had just proven that I wasn't powerless or worthless as the Daimyo had previously treated me. I knew I'd only been assigned a squad because they needed an extra person, but it had given me a chance to prove myself, and to make my Ojiisan proud.
I felt content.

Continue reading...

  1. A Chaotic Night- and it's consequences
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  2. An Interesting Party
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  3. The First Day
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  4. The Wake
    12 Cizek 532 EC
  5. Failed Execution
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  6. The Funeral
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  7. A Test of Something I Did Not Have
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  8. A Duel
    13 Cizek 532 EC
  9. I am a Samurai
    13 Cizek 532 EC