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Wed 14th Apr 2021 02:32

4/13/2021 Session 6

by Gray Lowshade

I hand pocket a coin and he reads it. "Created under the mind of the father of nations. Otrinsia 1st." left portrait is halcyon. Right is Rohiem. We recognize this to be one of the lower noble houses. They use to control a mint. Now they run most of the banks, but minting is no longer handled that way.
The other coin says "created under house D'more." left "depths of stormwater" right "house D'muori" year 522.
We walk and the buildings we pass are stone with a little wood patchwork. we walk past a long series of generally unpleasant and rundown buildings. Shutters open. We see small green and yellow and reddish skin creatures running around slamming the windows shut. A mixture of goblins, Kobalt's, bullywugs, etc.... the occasional kanku. the buildings begin getting bigger. We come to a building with a sign with a very ornate flower. The window sills have strange purple and orange and pink and blue bioluminescent mushrooms. One of them blinks out. I see this strange lizard-like outline with flaps hanging off the body crawling up the side of the building. as it reaches the top of the building it spreads its wings and glides over us.
This is a kind of mushroom dragon. They are not particularly dangerous except in confined spaces. They disguise themselves amongst mushrooms because they don't have powerful attacks. They are scavengers. They generally live in small colonies.
As we continue on we see a sign hanging with a piece of wheat, a fish, a cow. We are entering a part of town that would be considered the harbor/warehouse district. We see a building that a number of individuals walked into with no sign hanging on the door. We approach the door. The eye thing is closed.
I look through a window and see stacks of boxes. I see bits and pieces of silks and carpets and stuff. There is one super tall 12' box. I see a group of halflings and drow mostly sitting around chatting. They each seem to have at least one beverage in their hands. There are water passages that go straight into the warehouse. I see another 4 guys across the warehouse. There are 4 dudes in the far corner. there are only two or 3 feet from the water to the floor.
I sneak in. to the warehouse. workers aren't armed. they go out to see the commotion. I attempt to go upstairs and I see 12 guys. I see a homie wave his hand and has a clock on the back of his hand. He had 3 fingers. I go back downstairs slink into the water and return to the party.
Eini pulls a gun and the fight begins.
I shoot two homies with arrows. I hit for 7 and 9 dmg.
Erlen does a thing. that my ADD made sure I didn't hear.
Eini goes pew at the drow. The first bullet goes erratically around the room. The second pew hits for 8 dmg.
pocket moves away from his friends. screams for Archie. casts chaos bolt and then turns into a potted plant. 18 dmg.
Archie does a stabby. 13 dmg
Drow shoots Eini. 14 dmg. 13 dmg. total 27
Halloway summons a lightning dragon.
Pocket gets thrown into the water.
Guy tries to hit me twice and misses cause he sucks.
Homie tries to hit Van Udo twice. 7 dmg
Guy tries to grapple Eini and hit him.
The keep after Eini. 6 dmg
The hit archie for 6 dmg
Van Udo casts arms of hadar and does a hit on all the baddies. and bloated agonys the boss.