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Wed 31st Mar 2021 02:09

3/30/2021 Session 4

by Gray Lowshade

We enter Lord D'Mare's estate.
The small door in our room is the sewer. We hear scraping at the window.
Pocket comes into the room. Explains the 6 toe footprint he finds and leads us to the place where he saw things.
As we bring down the hallway we hear faint muffled shouting. In a side room, we hear "Your family doesn't run this down anymore D'Mare" We hear this back and for with the captain of the guards guild asking why there are mercenaries on the case.
The guy right in the door is 5'2" black massive dwarf with a dope beard and awesome hair.
Archie goes in and jumps on a table. Homie dwarf gets upset that we are here sleeping in the D'Mare house.
The man's name is Lokrag Treehammer
Pocket continues leading us.
Marching order. Pocket, Archie, Enin, Gray, Erlen, Udo.
Archie falls down the staircase.
We see the footprints in green/brown slime leading to the pitons, the smashed gargoyle head.
We climb the pitons and come to this rocky outcropping that has scraps of food, a hole with rot smells leaking out of it. There are sandpipers picking at all the scraps. Above a window swings open and trash comes out the window. immediately larger birds and what not start picking through the trash.
Pocket jumps in the pipe.
Eini Jumps. I jump. I feel the pipe has a hole in it.
We make a plan for Eini and Pocket to climb and get us out. They get to the pipe. Put a piton in the wall and toss a rope down.
We climb. through the stone tunnel. yell up to Archie and Erlen to get them down with us. We feel we are under the bridge. We crawl 1/4 mile and lose the smell of salt and just smell crap. We come to a pallet covering a hole. Pocket moves it and finds cobblestone steps, the rushing of sewage waste, and a bigger chamber. we come to parallel pipes that go either way. We find more footprints and follow. they are about an hour behind. we go, lose the footprints, and found a clean section of the sewer. There are a lot of feet that have gone through the area and go through another section of cobblestone. I find another coin. No more 6 toe footprints, but I find some make-shift torch sconce where torches were placed. Eini and Erlen see a gap in the sludge. I push on the door and an arrow misses my face hole. I pull a sconce and the door opens. We find ourselves at the top of a staircase that wraps around an entire city ward. Along the top of the open cavern is a purple fungus lighting green canals underneath us. There is motion where people are making their entrance in the top steps. Brief outlines where they walk down the long winding staircase. We find ourselves in Stormwaters undercity. We walk down the stairs.