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Wed 17th Mar 2021 02:09


by Gray Lowshade

We begin in the back of the theater.
Halloway takes us to meet someone of the clock and their headquarters.
The man in the box next to us was Lord Fellhand's bastard child.
Out the back door, Eini shows us blood and boot prints of different sizes. The bootprints are larger than my feet, the footprints are smaller individuals. The footprint is mostly humanoid but there is an extra toe. it's a 5-6ft human on the lean side. not any of the major races.
We chase the footprints to a small shop with a ladder and muddy footprints climbing it. We go to the rooftop and find to be on top of the temple of the chariot. We see the trail leading to the next building over where some of the terracotta has been crushed by two roofs. I make the jump, slip, and catch the ledge. Climb up and continue going. We repeat this process and chase the footsteps until we reach a building where it goes no further. it ends at the shoels, the shady part of town near the ocean. we jump off the roof onto the "road" where there is disturbed hay.
I notice this gold coin laying in the ally. It's almost buried, but still sticking out. In addition to that, I hear about two blocks over what sounds like something between a bar fight and a party that's gone on too long. It's a very old coin pocket recognizes. We head toward the party. As we walk through this part of town everything is made of reclaimed wood. We make our way to an entire ship flipped upside down with a door in the side and a chimney with loads of smoke.
The inside of the ship has been gutted. Tables have been bolted down. Decks reconfigured. Balconies on the top are playing a musical style that is not acceptable in formal establishments. There are groups of men in tattered suits with women serving them alcohol. At the bow, a roped-off area has a half-orc sitting behind the ropes with stacks of man. This is a local mobster known as Edsel Colton. He has 4 big goliath bouncers in tattered suits swords at the side.
I talk with Edsel. He says to look for work in the detached stable. 3rd stall. Seems like a really cocky thief.
Jade. Lady covered in tats. Best theif of the clock.
We get all our stuff and go sleep at Lord D'mares house. We get in off his signit ring.