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Wed 24th Feb 2021 03:15

2/23/2021 Session 2

by Gray Lowshade

The letter has 7 tickets to the D'mare theater for a play tonight. His son has the lead role in the murder of Atrinsia. We shop for nice clothes. I buy a nice little velvety black cap with with black accessories that hides all my weapons. The inn we are staying at is the Alabaster Torch.
We get to the theater and in our box is an older man with D'mare colors with gold trim. He motions for us to sit on his sides. He tells me he doesnt want any accidents like in the arena. I sit far from him. He pulls out an unreasonably large stack of playbills and passes them down. I recognize the names: Fellhand, d'Navio, d'mare, Brightmyre
During the play Francisco is murdered on stage. The place is emptied. The guy in the box next to us left.
Dark rose thing is counterpart to the Great Church. Shadow organization.
Raise dead did not work on the body
There are more murders. I jump over the box wall and head backstage. Francisco's room has an ornate chest and is in house colors.
Phillip Brightmyre is next room. Room decked in house colors. They are sworn to d'Navio. Phillip is sitting in his room
Holga d'Navio. House colors. Purple and green. Sitting in her room.
Sir Otrensia Fellhand. Room in red and gold. Guy sitting with his throat slit blood running down his front.
I swing back to Phillip's room and Holga's room. Ask if anyone visited them out of the ordinary. neither did. The three had talked a lot more lately. Otrensia was asking Francisco a lot more detailed questions. He had a friend com by recently. They never saw them leave. The friend had a scar, a limb, 3 not working fingers, massive scar down the side, grey and brown robes. He came by yesterday afternoon. He had a pocket watch tattooed on his hand. I would recognize this as part of "the clock." a bounty hunter/thieves guild.