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Wed 17th Feb 2021 03:10

2/16/2021 Session 1

by Gray Lowshade

A new year. It begins awaiting battle. Getting to know a group of fighters better.
We face up against Lord Drago, Sir Jorhiik, Loritra, Father Nesdon, Trissa.
They are in the middle of the arena. about 10ft in front of us. Gray loves the music playing in the back of his head
Pocket fires magic missile at the cleric, father Nesdon. hides behind the rock. Erlen does supporty things to Halloway and VanUdo. Van Udo does something to the cleric that makes it starts to bloat and purple and it looks like his blood is expanding inside his body. Zenith takes up his spear and says "launch" as rockets boost out of his hands as he propels his spear forward at the cleric diving into his swollen body. Then the spear comes right back to Zenith. Van Udo gets stabbed in the back by the small gnome. the mace from Van Udo slams into the gnome and caves the chest as Zenith slams the blunt edge of his spear into the gnome. I knock an arrow into Trissa's toe and she falls prone. Halloway misses an arrow but Strix goes and bites the rogue. Trissa moves toward Van Udo and throws a dagger and then throws a second a Zenith. Loritra hits a firebolt at Pocket. Eini fires a crossbow at the gnome and it glances off his armor. runs up to the gnome and punches him in the face.
Pocket casts firebolt at Loritra. Erlen grapples the rogue. Van Udo swings the mace in Papa Smurf's face. Zenith smacks the cleric with the spear and knocks him and falls to the ground slumped over. I shoot the wizard with an arrow and knocks her down. I drop my bow directly after the shot barely looking to see if the wizard is hit, and run at the rogue burying axes in her thigh and heart. Then I kill the Rogue. I retrieve the ax from the heart of the rogue and rip the great church badge off her chest and retrieve my bow.
We go to the underwatering hole and I grab a beer and a rag. Grab a seat and start cleaning my axes off.
House D'mare is doing the hiring hosting of the events this year.
Those 4 gnomes fight us.
A halfling comes in and delivers a message Felix D'mare