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Sun 11th Jun 2023 01:23

Session 5

by Stygian

While eating and enjoying my meal, the other members of our little group, started off the day well with talk of what started as the ravings of Sepp talking about rats in the sewer, which is strange as you would think there are rats in the sewer after all, it is a sewer. But those ravings have a small grain of truth in them, as there was an issue in the sewer about which the king spoke: a void portal that hadn't been maintained in some time had been infecting the sewer with unnatural darkness. And after the previous day, I was now being "convinced", rather poorly, I might add, to go down into the sewer to fix the problem. I knew this job was a fool's errand and that it was unlikely we would be paid the appropriate sum for it by the king, but the others were adamant about completing it. But before that, Goeth, Glacien, Milo, and the dependent… Giggs?... In any case, they all set off to hire some laborers for Goeth’s little business, and while they did that, I sat in the inn and read the Field Surgery Guide I had picked up to enjoy myself a little before our expedition into a place no person really should go—a sewer. Just thinking about it makes me feel ill. They returned an hour later, and we set off to where they had entered before, with lights given to us by the king and a high-level scroll from the archmage himself. Ah, now that I am thinking about it, Goeth mentioned something about a dream that told him to go to a place and something about a jinni. The more I learn about him, the more I suspect his magic is not that of a sorcerer but rather magic that is borrowed from something. Warlocks, I believe are called… I should keep an eye on him, as even if I may trust him, I can't say the same for his patron. We arrived at the sewer entrance, where two guards stood. I told them of our mission, and they let us pass into the sewer. While exploring, we encountered some vile things—something I can only describe as a leech from the bowls of the Nine Hells and a giant spider. Sepp and Frung, both when hit by said leeches, stiffened and fell, the former of which fell straight into the gutter. After killing both leeches, I attempted to help the fallen music lover out of the shit-channel and told the others to run from the spider. However, the half there half-dwarf had another idea: to run directly at the spider, which he was immediately caught by and dragged down the sewer tunnel wrapped in the spider's web. After a few more arrows and magic, the spider dropped the dwarf and scampered down the tunnel. We freed him, and I suggested we return to the inn and get some better protection from the particles in the air. But once again the half-there half-dwarf had other ideas and jumped head-first down a pipe. We used all the rope we had to lower a person down to go grab the dwarf and hoist him back up. The music lover was the brave soul who went down. After bringing him back up, I stabilized the dwarf with what I learned from my Field Surgery Guidebook and we headed back to the inn. At this point, I was in a bad mood and thinking the party was insane, went ahead of them and straight to the bath, cursing the whole way there. Being down in the sewer for so long, I had caught some ailments, and when I went to the clinic in the King's District, I waved the paper to the guards and went straight to the clinic, getting myself, Fung, and Milo cured on the king's dime, and after holding my tongue, I said some choice words through implication at the king after finding out we had been trudging through the sewer for the better part of the day. Returning to the inn, I spent my time decompressing and reading before bed. I told the party of my newly extreme unwillingness to continue the expedition unless we acquire some protective equipment while blaming the king of shit for tasking us with this in the first place loudly and unabashedly, then read to calm myself down. The party asked the innkeeper where to get such equipment, and I saw them set off to procure some. Time seemed to pass slowly as I sat and read the bustle of people drinking and eating swelled and calmed. It felt nice compared to the events previously experienced; I could both breathe easily and relax. Then the party returned, and I felt anger… Why must I be the one to do a job fit for a slave? I got up and went to my room and slept the day's events away. The morning began with me prodding the amulet piece as I talked to myself, delaying what I knew I'd be roped back into soon, but then I remembered the other three letters I had on me; most interestingly, all of them were addressed to members of the council; truly, this city's upper class was irredeemably bad. Still, I had half an idea to extort the member for cash, and when at my door I heard a knock. Goeth Told me that we were heading out. Our return to the sewer wasn't all that bad at first; the hole was scaled down and a plan was made. We did fight a demon, which ended up running away scared, but… This all was just not a pleasant time… I would rather not remind myself of the rest, so let's just say that Glacien and Goeth did well to solve the problem, and I will leave out the rest… once we escaped the sewer we all went straight to the bathhouse to once again wash away the events of the day and go to sleep.