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Sun 9th Apr 2023 10:52

Session 3

by Stygian

After having woken up from the events at the potion shop and learning those two spells, divination and transmutation—how boring!—I decided to take another look at that box. I found myself instantly transported to a dark, void-like place, with such blackness that I can only describe it as cold and deathly. But in this place I heard another voice say, "So let the darkness [come], for it is not the end, but just a beginning. We play our parts in this cosmic play." and just as soon as I heard the words, I was back in my room. It is odd to me that I would be the recipient of two cryptic messages from things beyond my understanding, but it invigorates the part of me I had lost during my tenure at TEA University—that wonder I had felt when I first enrolled as a child of only 16—gifted that opportunity by my better and teacher, Zirkle Brunsturn. I remember being just a young street kid. Parents are rarely in the picture. Till I was scouted by the extraordinary half-orc, it felt as if it happened a life time ago. Before I "left" I heard she had taken a leave of absence. I wonder how she is doing… Sorry, I got a little off topic there. I lost myself in old memories... Once more I sat in my room pondering the meaning of the words spoken and staring at the box as it rattled once more, and, after a little time, I set off for breakfast. I didn't get very far, only just out the door, before I was called by the bard, Sep, I think his name was, into his room for some spell inspection, a funny joke… He led me into his room, where the quiet, timid cat-looking one was. They showed me some papers... *sigh*... identity papers for someone I know this cat is not; they asked me what the spell on the papers was… In my brief look, I could ascertain that the spell was of 4th… level… and clearly meant to record something related to the document, but which spell in particular I was unsure. The papers themselves were for a Milith, someone I immediately remembered, a rare occurrence to be sure, but how could I forget such a nice fellow? I asked the cat... Milo, I believe… how he even came into possession of these papers, then I noticed the bard forging a different set of documents in the corner, and it all clicked in my head. Milo was a stowaway on the ship, and frustratedly I chastised him for stealing the papers, he said he was given them, and I asked how that was possible. Then another thing clicked: a day or so before, in the hallway, the man who gave out the identity papers called for Millith, and this cat must have claimed he was him; how the guard fell for it I am unsure. My frustration only increased from there because, after some quick math in my head, the spell, which can only be cast by a 4 level wizard, would cost at least 200 gp, which means if this cat wanted to go to any high-class area and got stopped in the street, they would see through the forgery easily if it has no magic cast on it. The dimwitted cat asked me why I couldn't cast it, and after "calmly" explaining how the wizarding trade works, I said that even if I could cast a spell that complex, it would still cost 200 gp to learn it. Sep jumped in to defend him at a few opportunities in my rant. I believe the dwarf looking fellow "foe something wood" came in the room drunk with the elf, whose name I can't for the life of me remember. the dwarf in the middle of his drunken ramblings, I sobered up so as not to listen to another sputtering dullard talk. I then didn't pay him any attention as I rambled to myself about how I managed to get dragged into this mess. Annoyed and frustrated with the ratty-haired cat, I retired to the bathhouse to relax. After that, I set off to the castle to see if it was even possible to smuggle the cat in there, as I was not missing such a high-class function other than a trip up an 80-foot wall or a well, there is only one entrance. I walked back and told the cat of this, bid him good luck getting in, and went back to the castle. But the cat wouldn't be the one to ruin my time at the castle; it would be the attack that took place shortly after we arrived. I saw an opportunity to get in the good graces of the king, so I helped the guards during the attack fend off the monsters and demons. After quickly dispatching the one in the garden, me, the bard, the elf, and the dwarf chased after the manicore that entered the castle. After a long, protracted fight with it and its summoner, they both escaped. After all was said and done, the king arrived in the throne room we were fighting in and gifted us some magic items for our help. Somehow, the light-footed cat snuck into the throne room and was also given an item, even though I didn't see him do anything... see him hahaha.... Luck seems to find him even if his actions are rather poorly thought out. The magic item I was given is worth more than I could imagine, up to 20,000 gold pieces, but its effect is invaluable for hiding myself from my college friends if they so desire to finish the job they started, so I will have to think of a way to hide it well from any optimistic wannabe thieves. Even on my way back up to my room, the tavern owner commented on its value… More importantly, the king told us that the summoner stole a powerful magic mask that, if combined with four others, could spell the end of the sword coast… how fun!