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Sun 9th Apr 2023 10:32

Session 1

by Stygian

After having met the oddest bunch of… I guess there are adventurers, but I can't really tell; one is as quiet as a mouse, another fancies himself a womenizer, one seems to have a poor sense of judgement, which is saying something, as another seems not all there, and the last one seems the most sensible. It's odd that I have found people more peculiar than myself, but I guess that's better than some common rabble…maybe? Still, I had found a strange box on board the ship to Neverwinter. I think it had something to do with the ruckus I heard on deck, something about an axe in a man I don't remember. I was fixated on the feeling of a strange magic below deck. After a failed attempt to open the box, I took it with me for research. The rest of the journey passed without interruption other than that half dwarf speaking in that strange accent and asking me to cast a spell or something. My attention was limited to that which vexed me, that box… Still, after being grouped with the people I now find myself in the company of and that dwarf… my attention has shifted to the original source of focus, namely gold, or rather, my lack of it… Some luck landed me some gold that was dropped by a drunk patron in the inn I was staying in, but this was far from enough. It was the first of many coins however. After validating my entry papers, I happened upon some teens whispering about an abandoned town house. After "gathering" some information from them, I set out for the loot left by the previous tenants with my opportunistic new found… what would I call them, friends? Colleagues? I guess when I fought that vortex of energy, the one that is good with music healed my wounds in the fight, and now that I am remembering, he did also help me buy that magnification glass for my research…  as such, his deeds have convinced me that I can see these people as friends rather than the indifferent colleagues I have known in the past… bastardes all of them. The loot after that fight was strangely richer than I expected, not to mention that blasted cauldron. But the strangest thing was the magic message encoded in the flames in morse code "25 north". If the loot from this place is any indication, I am in for a big score wherever 25 North is.