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Sun 9th Apr 2023 09:58

Session 0

by Stygian

Discredited and thrown out of T.E.A. University for my research on old necromantic magic, I no longer have the ability to find the answer to my burning question, "What happens after death?". During the events leading up to the end of my tenure, my colleges thought to give me a "gift" to "help me" along my way. I no longer am able to see like most, but I have adapted since then. Nothing will stop me from learning the truths of this world! Well... maybe my lack of funds... With what little gold I had, I spent it on a ticket to Neverwinter in hopes of solving my little lack of funds. Perhaps I can find something of value in a ruin or two. The trip was a long one from the university to Neverwinter, but I got along well with some of the more interesting passengers on board. I met a nice fellow, Milith I believe his name was, and we had some long conversations about the many novelties of life. To tell you the truth, I can't for the life of me remember what was talked about specifically; our conversations were, for me, purely to pass the time, and the content of them was of no real interest to me. The weeks at sea so far have passed without much interruption.