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Sun 9th Apr 2023 11:51

Session 4

by Stygian

I awoke to nothing in particular—no dreams this night—but my dreams were replaced with a curious sight. The box that was sitting on my desk now sat there broken. Sliding aside the pieces, I saw a jet black gemstone inside, which looked to be an amulet without a chain. Part of me wanted to put it on, but my better judgement said that I shouldn't. So I picked it up with paper from a useless spell scroll, wrapped it up, and put it in my bag for future inspection, perhaps even identification, then headed down for breakfast. The people I found myself with joined me shortly. Sorry the elf was already down there when I went down; I wish I didn't need to sleep so long like them… At any rate, the dwarf drank mead loudly like usual, and the party filled me in on a little escapade they went on when I retired after the events in the castle… In their description, they saved a half goblin, half gnome from slavery, and through the exhausting conversation, they did a poor job showing that to be the case. However, the state of the fellow, Giggs, I think it was, was a point in their favor, but dependents don't make cash, they only drain it… After some time, we all departed on our respective ear ends, hahaha. Just as I started to copy down a spell from a scroll I had obtained, the cat…the cat… asked me to accompany him to get himself some legitimate papers. I told him I was in the middle of an important process and couldn't go with him, so he left after some annoying questions. After finishing with the light spell scroll, I bought some odds and ends at the trade house—a bunch of scammers. While rearranging my inventory, I found the deposit box number from the simpleton potion peddler and set off to the bank to have a look inside. The box was more like a room, and inside were some torture devices—how novel!—but more interestingly, I found letters of blackmail addressed to five people. Two caught my eye, the first one addressed to the king and the other to his advisor. Seeing an opportunity to solve my issue with that blasted cat, I set off for the castle. The soldier at the gate didn't let me in after I explained the importance of the letters in my possession and decided to seal his fate by forcing me to show one to him, poor soul. Once I entered the throne room, both the king and his advisor were there, looking rather bored. He perked up once I showed him the letters and asked if I had read them; knowing better, I hadn't and told him as such, then he asked if anyone else had, and I told him of the guard… I wanted to be invaluable and trustworthy to this king, even if I wouldn't mind putting a dagger in his back if a better opportunity came around. He thanked me for the service, and I asked for a reasonable favor, 50 gold, and a solution to the cat's court case; he agreed to both and put an indefinite delay on the case, but I will get to that. I left and headed to the Hall of Justice to meet with Milo to collect my service fee. Once I got there, I caught up with the nice fellow Milith. I told him about the guards incompetence to try to sway him from the case through implication, but it seemed to just inspire more ligation on his part… I knew I liked him for a reason, hehehe... Ah, any way, I approached the judge and asked him if I could confirm the message the king sent was delivered and to make sure he didn't double-cross me (he didn't). He said no, and I showed him the paper the king gave me for access to the castle as proof I needed to see the letter, and he showed me it. After that, I turned around to see Sep in a state of hysteria. I imagine the case was going pretty poorly until I showed up. We returned to the inn, and the gnome, Goeth, I believe, told us about a business venture he was planning, the details of which were poorly thought out, and he asked for some investment. I offered 100 gp in exchange for the spell scrolls he picked up and asked only for a 25 gp reimbursement. After a little more talk, I retired to bed. Just my luck, I would be granted another dream, but rather than its meaning being unclear, it served to restore some clarity I believe I understand the first part of what the figure in black meant when it said, "The end is near, but do not fear." Perhaps it was in reference to my time at the university. If this is the case, maybe the figure is me or a part of me trying to reassure myself … A shameful part of me hoped that maybe this dream was more mystical, that maybe death itself reached out to me to guide me down the path that would show me how to see and how to understand the answer to the question that plagues me without fully embracing what lies beyond life… I sound so poetic, which is unlike me, maybe being outside my personal study for so long has led me to reevaluate somethings…allowed me to change,,, If this is the case, the fox must be an allegory for fate, and this is the only explanation for why I feel it will guide me through the challenges ahead. All of this psychoanalyzing is making me hungry, and I would rather not think fate is what guides me; my path is my own to walk.