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Wed 24th Mar 2021 03:49

An Unexpected Party

by Melody Aleheart

I promised you I would send letters when things started happening in the city, and believe me... things are happening. Not the sort of things I was hoping would happen, but still things... so... you know, I promised.
Now it’s a lot, and it’s still ongoing, so I’m going to send these letters in a big bunch later on instead of one at a time (that should keep mom and dad from being suspicious), but promise me you won’t freak out until the end.
I feel I should also preface this by saying, it has nothing to do with my performing. I know, I know, I know what you’re going to say, so let’s just assume I’ve taken my chastisement and you can read this knowing I understand what you’re thinking.
So I can’t remember what I’ve told you of life here in the city recently, but as you know, I’ve been finding a bit of success in gathering and shuffling along information to particular people. Nothing too exciting, just listening for gossip and passing it along, basically. At least, until yesterday. I was told by my employer that a group of “friends” were going to come into town—no information as to why or who—and that I was to meet them and exchange some information. Little did I know, they were sent to check up on me; apparently my employer thinks I might be in a spot of trouble because his other contacts have been disappearing of late (let’s once again assume I know what you’re going to say here and skip the lecture, I’m clearly well enough to write to you).
Anyways, these guys stroll up looking like a band of travelling circus freaks—you know the type, all with crazy armour and outfits and weapons, and eyes that say they’ve seen some shit—and they introduce themselves as follows: the woman was named Marygold, her brother was named Leo, and their crazy looking gnomish friend called himself Hinckle. And also Histicks (he’s a fascinating fellow, Layla, there will be much more on him later, I’m sure). They seem normal enough, or at least as normal as adventurers get, so we sit and have a chat. Fortunately for me they’re not the types to ask a lot of personal questions, so I didn’t have to go into much detail about myself, but they certainly were interested in the town. See, there’s been a lot going on around here lately, what with the purifiers not being around as much, and crime rising as a result, not to mention sightings of terrible beasts in the streets, it’s been a lot lately. And they wanted to know about all of it.
In order to talk more freely, we retired to their nice big room to speak. Now I know you’re no snitch, so I have no problem writing this here, but between you and me these people are the purifiers biggest fans. Don’t know why, they just don’t seem interested in drinking the lemonade like most folks ‘round here. So we got along a lot better than I was expecting (I don’t hate the purifiers, I just don’t get ‘em. Their way of doing things doesn’t make much sense to me).
We’ve decided to call it a night and regroup tomorrow to follow some leads. I gotta say, while I ain’t trying to stir up trouble, I am definitely excited to see where all this leads. It’s been way too long since I really had some fun around here.
Don’t worry, I won’t get in too deep. If there’s one thing we both know I’m good at, it’s saving my own skin.
I’ll write you again tomorrow, I’m sure.
Ps- This goes without saying, but I feel I need to be clear... don’t tell mom and dad. Any of this. If they ask, I’m writing you to brag about my musical success here in Haifield. Got it? I’m serious, Layla. Not a word.