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Fri 2nd Jul 2021 06:40

Shadows of the Past

by Melody Aleheart

I’m continuing on the last letter because there’s no point sending you two about one day. Even though this day has been a doozy.
So we finished with failing at the Mill and went back into the city to regroup, when low and behold the missing Purifiers come waltzing in on their horses. They haven’t had as much of a presence in the city recently, and I guess that’s because they’ve been gone. Where, I have no idea, but they came trotting back into town like conquering heroes, so I assume they were off on some sort of official mission or something. And the Maiden of Hell herself led them (that’s my new official nickname for miss Catrain after learning what she’d done... more on that later). My new friends are extremely twitching around her, and I can’t say I blame them. I’ve never met the woman in person, but just being in her presence is intimidating. I’d say the rumours about her definitely hold up... you do not want to cross her.
Bleh. Anyway. We start searching the city for the old seer’s lost items and come across a house that has obsidian in it. I sneak in, find out what it is (an old man’s pipe, not what we’re looking for) and sneak out without any trouble. I tell you, Layla, I think I'm better at this adventuring stuff than we thought. Apparently I’d make a damn good thief. Or a spy. And it wouldn't be that much of a career change, based on what I've seen. Plus I’d be reaaaally pissing mom and dad off, and that's worth all the trouble, in'it?
That was a joke. Don’t roll your eyes (I know you are).
In any case, we don’t find what we’re looking for so we decide that the whole day has been a bust, and we may as well settle down with an ale. Upon arriving back at my favourite tavern, we find someone there waiting for my companions. He’s some sort of mage or hag or something (I’m not entirely sure, there was a lot of information being thrown about), and he has to talk with these people one at a time. Apparently my new friends have been taking tasks from him in return for information. Odd time for him to show up, but I’m not going to kick up a fuss. Especially since his arrival gave me time to speak with these guys about what the seer had said.
Now Layla, I’m going to write down what I found out from these people, but only because I need someone to tell, someone to talk it out with to make sure I’m not being naive and getting involved with things above my skill level. And because I know for absolute certainty that you will NOT tell anyone ANY of these details. Ever. I may even rip this part of the letter off, I just need to write it out for my own sanity.
These people are not who they appear to be. The two siblings are called Aratraya and Tascetus, and they are creatures known as “Aesimar”, or “blessed” ones or something. It has something to do with their deity. Yes, that’s right, deity. Now you see why it’s important to keep this secret. Apparently the purifiers found out about their village and how they worshipped and came and burned it all down, killing the sibling’s family. Heading the charge was, of course, Catrain (hence the nickname). Obviously these two managed to escape, but they’ve been on a revenge mission ever since. They’ve been wandering across the continent, helping others who are likewise hiding from the purifiers. They’re here in the city because someone called the “Root of Delirium” sent them to investigate whether the purifiers were summoning demons, and if they are, to stop them (same guy who happens to be my employer, as it turns out).
Yeah... it’s a lot. See why I needed to talk this out? I think—and I am loath to say this—I think I may be in over my head on this one. I want to help... I actually want to help. The more I learn about these flamers the more I want to get involved to get them out of the city... and the more terrified of them I become. They aren’t just powerful, they are cruel. And getting involved with them is clearly dangerous. But I don’t like the idea of sitting by and doing nothing either.
Ah, don’t worry Layla. I talk a big talk, but we both know I’m far too much of a coward to do anything brash. I’ll stick it out with these guys for a while, if nothing else to see what they’re going to do next, but when things get intense, I’ll take my leave.
Do me a favour and burn this letter, will you? Even if I tore off the important bits, best not to leave any evidence. Just in case.
PS- Remember Hinckle? The crazy gnome I was telling you about? Apparently he was stuck in a hole in the ground for a while. Like a looong while. And survived. ...yeah. Right? I told you he was fascinating! And there may have been a brother stuck there with him? Possibly? Honestly, I can't wait to hear more about this guy. He is by far the most interesting adventurer I've met. Aesimars included.