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Fri 2nd Jul 2021 07:24

A Knife in the Dark

by Melody Aleheart

‘Ello again, Layla. It’s been... a day.
This letter is going to be a bit of a trip, but I need you to not freak out, okay? I’m safe, I promise. For the moment anyway...
So. After all that’s happened the past few days, we decide the best course of action is to head to the spa: not only does is hold our best lead at the moment, but we also figure it’d be a nice chance to relax for a bit, get a spot of rest before we continue on this crazy course we’re on. Not to mention it should help us lay low after everything that happened in the alley.
It’s a nice place, the spa. I was even able to afford a private room and a massage, which isn’t something that comes about very often, so I was very happy with that. But after relaxing, it was time to get to work. I did what I do best (besides performing) and snooped around for information. The public bath was a bit of a bust, but the employee areas proved much more informative. According to a few staff, this Herrick Menden that we’re after has a bunch of properties in the “Craft Hall” and he’s most likely to be found in that area. They also happen to talk about the demons in the city and one of them mentioned that the sewers underground were most likely where the ugly buggers were coming from. An excellent lead, if I do say so myself. Not that it matters...
Had I been in my room when I was supposed to, I might have been able to help .
A bit high on my own accomplishment, I strut back to my room to tell my new mates what I’d found out, only see Leo and Hinckle in Aretreya’s room; apparently she’d disappeared without a trace after Leo heard her scream for help. Tabitha--the employee who had been attending to us--said she heard the scream too and came to investigate, but found the room empty.
I don’t have to tell you, I very much did not trust Tabitha. But if she was lying--which I soon found out she was--she was damn good.
After searching the room and finding nothing, Hinckle, the genius little weirdo, cast a spell on Tabitha that forced her to show us where ‘Treya was (if she knew). Low and behold, the bitch flipped up a table to reveal Aretreya floating in the bathtub.
I don’t really remember what happened next. I remember Leo screaming and attacking, followed by Hinckle, and then I think I also shot some magic at the dumb bitch. In fact... now that I think of it... I think I may have killed her. Or at least knocked her out hard. It was all just a blur of anger and panic.
Not dissimilar to what happened with Auntie Hilde. Though this time I actually did something... You know, if we ever get a chance breathe, I might need to spend some time digesting that one. No time for it now.
Anyway. As you can guess, Aretreya didn’t make it. I did try a healing spell once we finally got to her, but it was too late. It looked like she’d been stabbed and then chucked in the tub to drown. My bet is that the Maiden of Hell sent this assassin after the siblings. She’d seen them in the town square earlier this week, and then with everything that happened in the alley, I’m sure she’s smart enough to put two and two together. But I’ve no evidence to support that, and even if I did, it’s not like she’d get thrown in prison for it.
After a few moments, I finally suggest we get out of there so as not to draw even more attention to ourselves. My magics once again come in handy, and we sneak out back to our tavern beds to regroup.
Now, I know I’m no good at emotional shit, but is it really possible to know what to say to someone who just lost the last bit of their family they had left? Leo--Tacitus--is now completely alone. I can’t even imagine what that would be like.
Fortunately, I didn’t need to come up with anything clever, because apparently Tacitus is not giving up. He says he knows of a temple in Newood that might be able to save his sister’s life. I’ve only ever heard of that kind of magic from auntie Hilde, but I’m hoping it’s not all fluff and bluster. I have to hope. I really liked Aretreya...
Had circumstances been different, I could have seen myself falling for her.
Ugh. Getting too sentimental. Burn this letter too.