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Wed 24th Mar 2021 03:55

Curses and Crimes

by Melody Aleheart

A new day a new letter. And I gotta tell ya, today wasn't boring.
We started with Tad and Edgar down at the stables (I’ve told you ‘bout them before, they’re harmless gossips) and they told us a few interesting bits of information: a theft that happened at the Seers Parlour, a beast with a—and I quote—“blubbery face” that was storming the market the other night, and a sincere change in behaviour by a man called Herick Menden who was known to frequent the bathhouse most nights. Admittedly, it’s all stuff I wouldn't bat an eyelash at most days (except maybe the theft because there ain’t usually much of that in this area) but there’s been too much of these random happenings going on that I’m definitely invested in figuring out if there’s one thing behind it all, or many.
My travelling friends decided it was best to start with the Seer, but as we’re about to head out of the stables, the tall one (Leo, the brother) starts talking to a horse that’s losing it’s mind in the corner. No seriously... he talked to it. That’s not a euphemism or a simile, he literally talked to it. And apparently this horse wasn’t a horse. It was a man that had been turned into a horse by a witch or a hag or something. I’ll admit, I was little distracted trying to figure out what in the hell was going on to pay attention to what Leo was saying. In any case, I played along and cast a little dispel magic on the beast... and wouldn’t you know it, where once there was a horse a man now stood! I could hardly believe it myself! His name is Wek, and apparently he’s going to be following us around for a bit.
After that bit of crazy we head down to the Seer. She’s a creepy old bat, but she seemed kind enough. On our way there we came across the Crimson Mantle crossing through the city with a dead beast in tow. I’m assuming it’s the same beast Edgar and Tad had described, but that doesn't mean it was the only one, so best to keep eyes out just in case. Anyway, my companions decide to get a reading from the the old lady, and I gotta say, it was quite an interesting performance. I can’t say I believe everything she said (mainly because everything she said was vague and insane) but it definitely affected the travellers. Which means they believe her. Which means we need to have a talk because they’re clearly involved in crazier shit than I signed up for. That’ll have to wait till later, it’s more a behind closed doors conversation.
With readings done we get back to investigating, and discover the old lady had a few items taken from her. They were nothing extravagant or expensive, which was the odd bit. But they were definitely things one could use in a spell... I think you can see where this is going. We may be getting on to something here.
Unfortunately none of this gave us any further leads, so we decide to go on to the next tidbit of oddities in our collection and check up on the miller (apparently he’s been acting strange of late). But being that I know nothing of his regular behaviour, I couldn’t really tell the difference, which made our invisible fact-finding mission a resounding failure.
I think it’s time to get a drink. It’s already been a long day, and the sun hasn’t set yet.
Talk soon.