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Fri 2nd Jul 2021 08:32

A Not-So Warm Welcome

by Melody Aleheart

Where did I leave off? I believe we were headed to Newood to try and save a friend’s life, yes? Right.
Well, Tacitus was able to make some sort of horse for himself (I’ve no idea how, I’ve never encountered that magic before, and now’s not the time to ask) while I polymorphed into a large eagle to carry myself and Hinckle as far as the spell would take us. Under any other circumstances, that being my first flight, I would have rather enjoyed the journey. Flying is something else, Layla. If I ever get back home, I’ll have to show you. It’s absolutely the most thrilling thing I’ve ever done (besides performing in Falonde, of course).
Unfortunately the spell only lasts an hour, so while we get ahead at first, Hinckle and I are then stuck on foot, so Tacitus rides ahead and we agree to meet him there. It takes the pair of a few days to walk the rest of the way (can’t say I enjoyed it very much, my feet are killing me), but it was entertaining at least. Hinckle is truly a wonder. You need to meet him, Layla. He is something that needs to be experienced first hand.
By the time we get to the city, though, Tacitus is meeting us on the road to tell us it’s a no-go. You’ll never guess why... the fucking Purifiers are here in Newood. That’s right, the last little sanctuary free from these assholes and their bullshit laws is now coming under their rule. Tacitus spoke with Jura, the high priestess of the temple here (I don’t know who the temple is to, deities are all alike to me) and found out that the Purifiers are controlling the supplies in and out of Newood, so the people here have to comply or basically starve. Fucking flamers... I don’t know how I never saw any of this while living in Haifield. Certainly can’t unsee it now.
Jura did say that if we could take down the Purifiers stronghold in Tacot (a town not too far from here), the people of Newood might be willing--and actually stand a chance--to fight back. Only problem is, I don’t think we can take down an entire stronghold all by ourselves. We’d need allies... many of them. And I don’t know where we’d get people like that. Tacitus said they have friends who could help back at their fort, but it would take too long to send word and get them out here (apparently there’s a 10 day limit on bringing people back from the dead, who’d have thought).
Jura also mentioned that there were powerful druids in the woods to the west, in a place called Sweewood. It’s possible that they could help, but we’d not only have to convince them to do so out of the goodness of their hearts, but also find them in the first place. You ever go searching for a druid in a forest? If they don’t want to be found, they won’t be. At least not by the likes of us.
Not that we have a whole lot of options...
We opt for the druid route. It’s a lot of if’s and maybe’s, but at least this course doesn’t end with us all dead. Into the woods it is.
Into the woods to get the thing that makes it worth the journeying.
(See what I did there?)
PS- on our way out of the city, we ran into a woman who was butting heads with some purifiers. I managed to distract them enough for her to get away, and low and behold we now have another travelling companion. She’s a bit abrasive, and extremely cocky, but the group seemed to take to her quite well, so she’s decided to accompany us on our mission. Here’s hoping she’s not another assassin, haha!
(That was a joke. Relax.)