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Mon 27th Mar 2023 01:51

Entry 6: Harrowing and Familear

by Ravaice

Ekar and I headed out to Caer-Dineval to follow the lead Levistus gave us. To make things brief, cult took over, we are apart of a prophesy, absolutle freak of a woman in the basement. Okay that last part was harsh but she freaks me out so bad and I can't explain why. The thought of having to be in the same space as her feels like I am going against some fundamental law of nature and magic. Ekar wants to speak with her after a nights rest, and I don't know how I am going to get out of this one.
No way am I going to be able to sleep tonight, not unless the devil himself drags me to sleep. Hell, he already dragged me here.
I met Avarice. I don't know what I am. She seems to know more about who or what I am than me. Despite this, I have more questions about myself despite getting answers.
Why did I agree to help her?
Am I really that desperate to know anything more about myself?
Am I that desperate to prove that my being is not against the will of the Gods?