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Sun 12th Mar 2023 05:41

Entry 1: Awakening

by Ravaice

Since I lost my memories, I thought it was best to keep what I know and remember in here for safe keeping.
I met a lot of nice people in the past few days. Mara found me out in the woods, and sure she stepped on me as a rude introduction, he's pretty good company. I like her companion Shney a lot too, hes a fun guy. They took me into a nearby town to restock and we met a pleasant turtle named Akar. One thing led to another and we ended up venturing out to Easthaven, apprehended a murderer, and Mara met someone who they had really good chemistry with.
That guy we caught was wild though. He was sputtering about how the Frost Maiden was the only god that truly deserved worship. I mean sure, shes the only God here, or it feels like it, but does any God inherently deserve worship? Sure I am working off of 3 days worth of memories at best and I don't really recall any of the other gods, but they don't seem to be doing much. The Frost Maiden is but that's kind of a shit job she's doing around these parts.
On a more serious matter, I remembered something. When we first arrived to Easthaven, there was a execution underway. A wizard man was burned at the stake, and I recognized him. He must have been from my past. his clothes were familiar, a uniform for something that feels so far away now. Akar and Mara did not recognize the clothes, and I did not want to press any further. I asked that lady Hillan to look into it for me. Maybe this is my in into figuring out my past, but regardless he is a terrible man. I don't know what to think of the whole situation...
note: Mara said to always say no when asked about murder, no saying maybe!