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Sun 12th Mar 2023 05:59

Entry 2: The Dead & Mead

by Ravaice

We took a week off and now we are back to the town for work! We stayed a day so Mara could go see Syphon properly, and the two seem to really be getting along. Akar let Shney drink when we were watching him, and I am not dealing with whatever the fuck is going to transpire between those two and Mara when she inevitably finds out. That bear cannot keep a secret.
We looked into communes with a ghost called the white lady. Guy in charge of the whole thing was a ass and racist. He called Mara "horns," which is a shit insult to begin with. Where is this mans creativity, where is his rage? I don't know why i took that a bit personally as well, I guess I care about Mara a lot.
Anyways, we are heading out tomorrow to investigate the disappearance of some fishers. The guard captain said we could have the wizards stuff as a reward if we figured this out. The others seemed interested, but I am really invested. I don't remember the guy and I know he wasn't that important to me, but I still can't help but cling to him. This complete dead stranger is all I have of my past,
Okay, I'll revisit this latter. I need to stop Akar from getting Shney wasted again.