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Sun 12th Mar 2023 06:07

Entry 3: Boats & Soup

by Ravaice

I do not remember what a boat was so that was an experience! I can't say the rest of the journey was all that pleasant... we were attacked by a few creatures and a hag. The fishers we were searching for were long dead and uh, the hag was cooking them in the cauldron. Human soup aside, the pot makes soup out of water when put in there! I'm sure after a good scrub down, Easthaven wont be so tight on food anymore! We are going to get quite a reward from this, and Akar and I are planning to keep watch over the pot until the town can keep it somewhere safe and pay us. I am currently writing and sleeping in the pot for the night, it's not too bad of a set up. Shney and Mara are spending the night at Syphon's house again.