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Wed 15th Mar 2023 11:58

Entry 4: Underdark & Kobolds

by Ravaice

We got paid and left Easthaven before anyone had the chance to mug us. As terrifying our stay here was, I am still sad that we are leaving. We made some good friends and I got a glimpse at my past.
There was a job to deal with some Kobolds that took residence in the Termalaine gem mine, and we decided to help out. Also very important development, on the way to Termalaine we got a sled dog and his name is King Fuck!!! He's super cute! Shney doesn't like him, but I love him a lot. I am sure they will grow closer with some time. The mission went great! The matters were able to be handled diplomatically and the Kobolds moved in with the residents of Termalane. The only main sticking point was that there was a terrible creature down in the mines that was picking off people and we had to deal with it. I think its from the Underdark... wherever that is and means. Guessing by the name alone, it probably came from the massive drop in the mines. Overall, the townsfolk seem happy and its been great! It feels nice to be able to help people and make a difference in a world that often feels so bleak. I really like these friends that I met along the way. I can tell I haven't felt companionship like this in a very long time.