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Tue 27th Feb 2024 03:13

Entry 5: of ghosts and wolves

by Hayley Thomas

Dear diary,
So, our first watch duty and it didn’t go all that great. During the second watch, during witching hour Liliana and Gael were standing watch as a ghostly figure appeared in the forest, pleading for help in elven. Liliana decided to wake everyone up because she wanted to head into the forest to go and help the ghost. So we had a discussion about it, in which I pointed out it is our duty to guard the camp, and that it is a stupid idea to wander into these forests, especially so at night, and even more so while being lured there by a ghost.
A discussion broke out with Liliana and Alistan on one end and Gael and I on the other. In the end we put it to a vote, which was an exercise in futility. We voted against going but Liliana decided to go anyway. So much for doing things as a group if you’re going to push your will through anyway regardless. Valuable lesson learned though.
So Liliana and Alistan headed into the forest after the ghost, and Gael and Luke decided to join them for some backup, whilst Dadroz and myself kept on guard duty. And good thing that my brother and Gael joined them, because this would have ended badly for the siblings. When they arrived at a little cabin by a lake, they got ambushed by a second ghost, and floating ladies in the middle of a lake are notoriously hard to hit with swords. Gael’s bow and my brother’s magic however cleared the threat. They then managed to lay the first ghost, who was genuinely looking for help, to rest.
So all well that ends well I guess. The siblings got to feel good about doing a good deed that could have been a disaster, but in doing so, they forgot their duty. As they want to become knights in service of the king, that is a lesson they will need to learn. Sometimes duty is not rushing off on some fool hearted quest. Sometimes it is standing guard in the cold. Youthful enthusiasm still wins out, and they do have their hearts in the right place, wishing to help others.
What troubles me far more however is that words have power. Promises and bonds have power. And Liliana’s words proved to be empty when she decided to ignore the vote of the group. So no more votes, and I will be careful to put my trust in her.
The day started somber, after a day spent in eternal spring, we found ourselves on the last day of winter, as it started snowing. The siblings used the opportunity to start a snowball fight, they really are just children in their hearts. It is good to see them enjoy the last day of snow though.
The rest of the day passed slowly and uneventfully until late in the afternoon the foreboding feeling of dread coming from the forest intensified again, accompanied by a singing voice. This time I decided to take matters in my own hands so I jumped off the cart and walked to the edge of the forest, and in a determined and strong voice told the spirits of the forest to leave us be, as we are not afraid of them. The effect of this being that a large white winterwolf appeared, all the dread and danger concentrating in its cold blue eyes and fanged snarl. The fight was short and brutal, as winter wolves are not to be underestimated. In the aftermath, Elsa healed Alistan by giving him a kiss on the cheek. The girl certainly has some strange tricks up her sleeve, and you can imagine what that little kiss caused in both Alistan, his cheeks red like a tomato, and my dear brother Luke, turning equally red in anguish.
While they contemplated this latest change of events, I cut the tail off the wolf and made a makeshift sign to hang at the edge of the first. The others think it is to ward off the spirits, and in a way it is. But it isn’t magical in its own right. But it is a warning, or a threat if you will. And those have magic of their own.
With the threat dealt with, the rest of the day passed uneventfully.
Dated 4th of Lug, Year 121 era of the Tree

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  1. Entry one: The trials
  2. Entry two: The bramble
  3. Entry 3: Rosebloom
  4. Entry 4: Hearts and Dreams
  5. Entry 5: of ghosts and wolves
  6. Entry 6: Hillfield and Deals with Fae
  7. Entry 7: mysteries and pastries
  8. Entry 8: The scarecrow ruse
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. Entry 9: A betrayal of satyrs
    7th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  10. Entry 10: The fate of twins
    8th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  11. Entry 11: Cursed twins
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  12. Entry 12: Loss and despair
    11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  13. Hayley's rules to being a Witch
  14. Entry 13: the price of safety
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  15. Entry 14: A golden cage and fiery tower
    13th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  16. Entry 15: A trial by fire
    14th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  17. Entry 16: Keralon
    15th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Luke 1
  19. Letter to Luke 2
  20. Letter to Luke 3
  21. Letter to Luke 4
  22. Letter to Luke 5
  23. Letter to Luke 6
  24. Entry 17: I shall wear midnight
    1st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. Entry 18: peace in our time
    2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  26. Entry 19: Caern Fussil falls
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  27. Entry 20: I see fire
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  28. Entry 21: Cultists twarted
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  29. Entry 22: Ravensfield
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  30. Entry 23: The Hollow Hill Horror
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  31. Entry 24: Burn your village
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  32. Entry 25: Ravensfield burns
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  33. Entry 26: There will be blood!
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  34. Entry 27: A happy reunion
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  35. Entry 28: The embassy ball
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  36. Entry 29: The fate of Robert Talespinner
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  37. Entry 30: A royal summons
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  38. Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese
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  39. Entry 32: A boggle named Pim
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