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11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree

Entry 12: Loss and despair

by Hayley Thomas

Dear Diary,
As I sit here, my back pressed against the sturdy trunk of a tree, the flickering light of our campfire casting dancing shadows around me, I find myself reflecting on the events of the day. It's the dead of night, and we've been on the move, seeking refuge wherever we can find it. But before I delve into the chaos that ensued, let me start from the beginning.
The day dawned with promise, the remnants of a restful night's sleep still clinging to my weary bones. Thanks to the warmth and comfort of Robert's carriage, I awoke feeling rejuvenated, my spirits lifted by the prospect of a new day. Stepping out into the crisp morning air, a sense of renewed vitality coursed through my veins, dispelling the lingering shadows of illness that had plagued me in recent days.
Yet, as I emerged from the shelter of the carriage, my eyes fell upon my dagger, its blade aglow with an ethereal light. Strange runes, previously unseen, now adorned its surface, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. With a sense of urgency, I sought out Luke, only to find him in equally high spirits and robust health. It seemed that whatever malady had befallen us was now replaced by a newfound strength, inexplicably linked to the both of us.
Though the cause of this sudden change remained a mystery, I couldn't deny the sense of hope that blossomed within me. Perhaps, just perhaps, our journey held more promise than peril. Little did I know, however, that the challenges we would face in the hours to come would test our newfound resilience in ways we never could have imagined.
With Luke's keen insight and expertise, we pondered over the newfound properties of the dagger, its connection to the enigmatic realm of the Feywild sparking curiosity and intrigue within us. Though the full extent of its powers remained shrouded in mystery, I was determined to uncover its secrets in due time.
As we joined the others for breakfast, our attention turned to the young man we had encountered on our journey, his presence a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked within the forest. Though he appeared more at ease now, his memories of the attack were still shrouded in fog, leaving us with more questions than answers.
According to him, their group, amongst whom his young wife, had been ambushed by small goblin-like creatures with wild green hair. I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped me as I recalled the tragic fate of the young woman we had buried the night before. It was clear that we would have to deliver the grim news to him, a task that weighed heavily on my heart.
As we prepared to resume our journey, Gael's words about the strange occurrences surrounding Luke and me echoed in my mind. Initially dismissive of his claims, I couldn't ignore the subtle anomalies that seemed to manifest in our presence. Fire danced more vividly in Luke's proximity, while plants responded to my touch with unusual vigor or withering.
Though the true nature of these phenomena remained a mystery, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were somehow connected to the changes we had experienced since our illness. Perhaps they were manifestations of our evolving magic, influenced by the paths we were destined to tread. Yet, frustratingly, they eluded our control, leaving us to navigate this newfound power with uncertainty.
Despite these uncertainties, we set out with renewed determination, the promise of discovery spurring us onward. However, our optimism was short-lived as chaos descended upon us once more.
In the stillness of the afternoon, a cry of alarm shattered the tranquility, signaling the onset of danger. With startling swiftness, a horde of small creatures, resembling a twisted fusion of goat and goblin, emerged from the depths of the forest. Their wild green hair danced in the breeze as they launched a relentless assault on our caravan, raining down spears upon our hapless horses with ruthless precision.
Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, we scrambled to defend ourselves, our hearts pounding with adrenaline as we braced for the fight ahead. In the face of this unexpected threat, our unity would be our greatest strength, as we stood together against the tide of chaos that threatened to engulf us. Little did we know, this skirmish would be but the beginning of a much larger battle, one that would test the limits of our courage and resolve.
As the chaos of battle unfolded around us, my senses sharpened with a surge of recognition. These creatures, the Dianios, were notorious denizens of the Feywild – small, goat-like fey known for their ferocity and malevolence. It was unprecedented for them to venture beyond the borders of their realm, let alone into the depths of Lorewood. Their presence here only deepened the mystery of the forest's strange afflictions.
The skirmish that ensued was brutal and unforgiving, our small band of travelers outnumbered and overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught. Faced with attacks from all sides, we fought tooth and nail to defend our caravan, but the cost was steep. When the dust finally settled, the grim reality of our losses weighed heavily upon us – three of our noble steeds lay slain, their lifeless forms a somber reminder of the price of our intrusion into the Feywild's territory.
With the remaining Dianios subdued and taken captive, Liliana stepped forward, her divine charm weaving a spell of intimidation over the fey creatures. Under the threat of divine retribution, they begrudgingly revealed the truth behind their attack. According to them, we had trespassed into their domain, making me think the boundaries between worlds have been weakened by the mysterious fog that blankets the forest. In their eyes, we were intruders, and they had reacted with ferocity to defend their homeland.
As the tension in the air thickened with the howl of a distant wolf, the captive Dianios grew restless, their struggles intensifying as the primal sound echoed through the forest. Before long, our fears were realized as a formidable creature emerged from the shadows – a yeth hound, its lupine form adorned with a grotesque, human-like visage.
With a predatory grace, the yeth hound circled us, its gaze fixed intently upon Gael. A primal instinct warned us of the danger that lurked within its feral eyes, and as it unleashed another bone-chilling howl, the air crackled with anticipation. With a swift charge, the yeth hound descended upon us, its monstrous form brimming with malevolent intent.
In the face of this formidable foe, our options were limited. With the yeth hound's immunity to conventional weapons, our only hope lay in the magic that coursed through our veins. With determination blazing in my heart, I lunged forward, my magical dagger held aloft, ready to confront the beast head-on. It was a risky gambit, but in the heat of the moment, there was no room for hesitation.
As the clash of steel and fang reverberated through the forest, I found myself locked in a deadly dance with the yeth hound, its savage ferocity matched only by my own resolve. With every strike, I sought to pierce its supernatural defenses, my every move fueled by a desperate determination to protect my comrades and emerge victorious against the looming threat.
The chaos of battle erupted into a frenzy as another figure emerged from the shadows, a malevolent smirk playing across his features. His name, we would later learn, was Cornu. With a cruel laugh, he unleashed a petrifying arrow, aimed with deadly accuracy at Onvyr, one of our own.
In the midst of the ensuing melee, the tide of battle turned against us, our valiant efforts met with fierce resistance from our otherworldly adversaries. Despite our best efforts, many of us fell to the onslaught, the ferocity of our opponents proving to be more than we could handle. It was only through the timely intervention of Liliana, that I did not suffer a worse fate than the lingering pain in my leg, the memory of the yeth hound's vicious attack still fresh in my mind.
In the end, it was Sylvesse, our steadfast guardian, who came to our rescue, its noble form standing tall against the darkness that threatened to consume us. With a fierce determination, it faced off against Cornu and his monstrous hound, a beacon of hope in our darkest hour. Yet, as we fled to safety, the fate of our noble protector remained uncertain, lost to the shadows as we made our hasty escape.
A sense of disorientation gripped some of my companions, their fear overwhelming their sense of direction as they fled into the dense fog without a second thought. In the ensuing confusion, it fell to Gael and me to locate them amidst the swirling mists, a task made all the more challenging by the opaque veil that obscured our surroundings.
After what felt like an eternity of searching, we finally reunited with our wayward comrades, their expressions a mixture of relief and trepidation. Though my initial impulse was to lash out in frustration at their reckless actions, I knew that anger would only serve to further fracture our already fragile unity. Instead, I sternly admonished them for their heedless flight, a harsh reminder of the dangers that lurked within the forest.
Yet, beneath my outward display of authority, a sense of unease gnawed at my insides. The absence of Robert, the uncertainty surrounding Sylvesse's fate, and Onvyr's petrified form weighed heavily upon my mind, casting a pall of despair over our ragtag band of survivors. The thought of leaving our companions behind, lost to the depths of Lorewood, filled me with a profound sense of unease, a nagging voice urging me to take action.
With a heavy heart, I urged my companions to rest, knowing that we would need all of our strength and resolve for the trials that lay ahead. And as we retraced our steps back to the safety of our abandoned caravan, I turned to Gael, hoping that he might shed some light on the enigmatic figure of Cornu and his monstrous hound. Yet, to my dismay, he too was as clueless as the rest of us, the mystery of our assailants' motives remaining frustratingly elusive.
After a brief respite, I led our weary band back to the abandoned caravan, my heart heavy with apprehension at what we might find. Yet, as we approached the desolate site, a profound sense of emptiness greeted us – no sign of Cornu, no trace of Sylvesse or Robert. Only the eerie silence of the forest enveloped us, a haunting reminder of the mysteries that lurked within its depths.
My first priority was to attempt to lift the curse that had befallen Onvyr, but to my dismay, my fledgling magic proved insufficient to break its hold. Though I strained against its arcane bonds, the curse remained stubbornly resilient, a frustrating testament to my limitations as a young witch.
With heavy hearts, we set about scouring the area for any sign of our missing companions, but our efforts proved fruitless. Robert's tracks vanished into the undergrowth, and Sylvesse was nowhere to be found. The only solace we could find was in the return of Torrin.
With our number of horses depleted we decided to press onward to Logvale with only a single cart and what supplies it could carry. I sent Fiachna to scout back along the road, hoping against hope that he might find some clue to Robert's whereabouts.
Our journey was far from over, and as night fell and we made camp amidst the ruins of an ancient structure, I offered what little comfort I could to Elsa, hoping to provide some semblance of solace with a place in my tent. Yet, even as we settled in for the night, the tranquility of our makeshift camp was shattered by the sudden onslaught of another attack.
The cursed Dianios descended upon us once more, their malevolent presence a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked within the forest. Though we fought valiantly to repel their assault, our victory was short-lived, for the sound of battle had once again drawn the attention of our elusive foe – Cornu, the sinister fey whose shadow loomed large over our troubled journey.
With a silent nod of understanding, Liliana and I exchanged a determined glance, our resolve steeling against the encroaching darkness. If Cornu could track us with such ease, then there was no escaping his relentless pursuit. It was time to confront him, to end this deadly game once and for all.
But as we prepared to make our stand, a sudden act of bravery and selflessness caught us off guard. Gael taunted Cornu with reckless abandon, his daring gambit aimed at diverting the fey's attention away from us and towards himself. With a defiant shout, he disappeared into the depths of the forest, a lone figure disappearing into the shadows.
Though his actions took us by surprise, I couldn't help but admire Gael's courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Yet, as Luke and Alistan charged after Cornu in a desperate bid to aid our comrade, I knew that we could not let them face this peril alone.
With a sense of urgency, Liliana and I followed in their wake. And good that we did, as we stumbled upon our fallen comrades, bruised and battered from their encounter with Cornu. There was little hope of finding Gael or Cornu amidst the tangled undergrowth of the forest, and so, with heavy hearts and reluctant steps, we made the agonizing decision to press onward. It pained me to leave our friends behind, to abandon them to the mercy of the forest's cruel embrace, but I knew that our journey was far from over.
Though I have yet to share my intentions with my companions, I am resolved to stay behind and search for Gael and Robert, no matter the cost. Even as I anticipate Luke's disapproval, I know that this is a path I must walk alone. For the bond between us is strong, but my duty to my friends compels me to act, to seek out those who have been lost to the darkness and bring them back into the light.
11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree

Continue reading...

  1. Entry one: The trials
  2. Entry two: The bramble
  3. Entry 3: Rosebloom
  4. Entry 4: Hearts and Dreams
  5. Entry 5: of ghosts and wolves
  6. Entry 6: Hillfield and Deals with Fae
  7. Entry 7: mysteries and pastries
  8. Entry 8: The scarecrow ruse
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. Entry 9: A betrayal of satyrs
    7th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  10. Entry 10: The fate of twins
    8th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  11. Entry 11: Cursed twins
    10th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  12. Entry 12: Loss and despair
    11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  13. Hayley's rules to being a Witch
  14. Entry 13: the price of safety
    12th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  15. Entry 14: A golden cage and fiery tower
    13th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  16. Entry 15: A trial by fire
    14th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  17. Entry 16: Keralon
    15th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Luke 1
  19. Letter to Luke 2
  20. Letter to Luke 3
  21. Letter to Luke 4
  22. Letter to Luke 5
  23. Letter to Luke 6
  24. Entry 17: I shall wear midnight
    1st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. Entry 18: peace in our time
    2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  26. Entry 19: Caern Fussil falls
    3rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. Entry 20: I see fire
    4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Entry 21: Cultists twarted
    10th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. Entry 22: Ravensfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  30. Entry 23: The Hollow Hill Horror
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  31. Entry 24: Burn your village
    16th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. Entry 25: Ravensfield burns
    17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  33. Entry 26: There will be blood!
    21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  34. Entry 27: A happy reunion
    22nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  35. Entry 28: The embassy ball
    23rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  36. Entry 29: The fate of Robert Talespinner
    24th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  37. Entry 30: A royal summons
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  38. Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  39. Entry 32: A boggle named Pim
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree