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Hayley Thomas

Chaotic Good Human (Guild Artisan)
Witch 6
39 / 39 HP

Hayley is the twin sister of Luke Thomas, born with magical abilities due to some unknown (to them) magical mishap.

Played by
30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

Entry 32: A boggle named Pim

by Hayley Thomas

Dear diary,
During breakfast, it became clear that Liliana hadn't had the best night—she looked even paler than usual, her already fair complexion drained of color. She dismissed it casually, blaming something she ate the night before and assuring us that some fresh air would do the trick. None of us thought much of it at the time, but in hindsight, it felt like an omen.
After breakfast, Liliana and I made our way to the Dresner farm to check on Tommel. As we walked, we crossed paths with Naira, who was heading to the keep as promised to help with the cleaning. She seemed in good spirits, and I hoped that Tommel was on the mend. When we arrived, it was a relief to see him much improved, though still too weak to hold a conversation. Liliana and I shared a look of relief; the curse seemed to be fading.
When we rejoined Leen downstairs to let her know that Tommel was on the path to recovery, something unusual caught our attention. The eggs she was preparing for breakfast were larger than normal—far too large for any regular bird. Naturally, our curiosity got the better of us, and we asked her about it. Leen explained that they had found a large goose about six months ago. My mind instantly connected the dots—could it be one of Auntie Patty's geese? If so, perhaps their refusal to return it was the cause of Tommel’s curse. It was just a theory for now, but one I intended to investigate further once Tommel was well enough to talk.
We made our way back to the keep, only to be greeted by a familiar face—Dorr. It had been a while since we last saw him, so naturally, I greeted him with a warm hug, feeling the questions bubbling up. What had brought him here after so long? It wasn’t long before he revealed his purpose—he had come to offer his services in helping renovate the keep and the village. Of course, this offer came with the promise of fair payment.
Dorr’s presence brought a sense of nostalgia, but also the recognition that rebuilding Dogville wouldn’t be an easy task. His skills would be invaluable, especially with the state of disrepair we had seen. Now it was just a matter of negotiating the terms.
As Dorr made his rounds through the keep, inspecting what needed repairs, a new debate over taxes arose. The official records revealed that Dogville owed an annual tax of around 4,000 silver to the crown—an already considerable sum, and one likely to increase as more people moved into the area. The growing population brought potential for more wealth, but also more expenses, and the question of how to manage that balance stirred up differing opinions.
Gael argued against taxing the people in the first few years. His reasoning was that waiving taxes could build trust and loyalty among the locals. While I technically don't have a say in these administrative decisions, I couldn't help but offer my own perspective. Instead of foregoing taxes entirely, why not show the people that their contributions would directly benefit them? We could use the funds to improve infrastructure, hire guards, and generally make Dogville a better place to live. Earning their favor by action, not leniency.
The debate lingered unresolved, and the decision was pushed back for another time.
Soon after, Liliana, Dadroz, and Alistan left to help the people of Ravensfield settle into their new homes, while Gael, Luke, and I stayed behind to continue organizing the keep. I spent the afternoon working in my garden, carefully planting the herbs I'd collected, enjoying the peaceful rhythm of the soil. It was shaping up nicely, and I could already imagine the fresh, fragrant air that would come from it in time.
But my tranquility was interrupted by a sharp call from Luke. I rushed inside and found him in his library, which looked like it had been ravaged by a storm. Books and papers were scattered everywhere, and the shelves were in disarray.
"Some of my scrolls are missing," Luke said, his voice tense. "And there are footprints." He pointed to the floor outside the library, where small, almost childlike footprints were visible in the dust.
It was a curious and unsettling discovery. Who—or what—could have snuck into the keep? And why steal Luke's scrolls? The mystery of it all had me on edge, and I could tell from Gael’s furrowed brow that he felt the same.
Whoever it was, they were small, quick, and stealthy. It was time to investigate.
I reached out with my mind, probing the surrounding area for any sentient presence, using my mental abilities to sense any hidden creature. My suspicions proved right when I detected a small mind hiding under Luke’s bed. Without hesitation, I moved over and lifted the sheets, peering into the darkness below. For a fleeting moment, I caught sight of a small figure, no larger than a gnome, its form obscured in the shadows. But before I could fully grasp what I was looking at, the creature vanished, slipping through the floor via a portal, leaving nothing behind.
It all clicked into place. I’d read about creatures like this in ancient texts—boggles. Mischievous fey beings, adept at hiding in shadows and capable of creating rifts in any surface they touch, allowing them to disappear at will. Catching one would be tricky; detaining it even more so.
This encounter left us with troubling questions. How long had the boggle been lurking in the keep? Was it merely a chance visitor, or had someone sent it—perhaps one of Luke’s countless enemies—to spy or cause harm? The latter seemed likely given Luke’s reputation and his many rivalries. But the real concern was, what exactly had it been after?
When the others returned later that afternoon, we filled them in on the situation. Dadroz, ever the practical strategist, suggested setting a trap. He quickly realized that the heart of the mischief centered around Luke's library, the place where the creature had first been detected. Determined to put an end to the boggle’s antics, Dadroz took up a hidden position in the library, patiently waiting for the fey creature to return.
And he didn’t have to wait long. Just as he had predicted, the boggle reappeared, slipping quietly through another portal. But this time, it wasn’t fast enough. A well-placed arrow from Dadroz’s bow struck the creature, knocking it out cold. We had managed to subdue it, at least for the moment.
Dadroz woke the rest of us up, his footsteps urgent yet measured as he explained that the creature was secured. We quickly gathered to discuss the best way to handle the situation. It was clear that the moment the boggle regained consciousness, it would attempt to escape. Knowing it needed to physically touch a surface to open one of its portals, we decided on a simple but effective solution: hang it from the ceiling, tied securely by a rope.
With the plan in place, I cast a healing spell on the boggle to mend its wounds. Its eyes fluttered open, darting around in a state of blind panic as it realized it was suspended and unable to escape. It wriggled in the air, but there was no surface it could touch to slip away. For the first time since we encountered it, we had the upper hand.
Liliana, with her soothing presence, began speaking to it in Sylvan, the ancient tongue of the fey. Her words seemed to calm the creature, though it still glanced around warily. Gael took this moment to ask it a few questions. Why had it been stealing from us? How long had it been living in the keep?
The boggle blinked in confusion, its expression almost childlike as it explained in broken Sylvan that it had been living in the house for a long time, long before we arrived. To it, the keep had been abandoned, and the things it took were just shiny trinkets—nothing more than harmless treasures to a fey creature.
Realizing that the boggle, while mischievous, wasn’t malicious, we decided to strike a deal. We offered it a small chest to keep under the stairs, where it could place the things it "borrowed." That way, it could satisfy its need to collect shiny objects, and we would always know where to look if something went missing.
The boggle seemed delighted by the arrangement, its fear subsiding as it accepted the chest with a giddy nod. And just like that, we had made peace with the little creature: Pim, our very own house boggle.
Though its presence would surely add a layer of unpredictability to our lives in the keep, Pim seemed more of a quirky companion than a threat. It would no doubt cause minor mischief from time to time, but at least now we had a way to manage it, and in a strange way, Pim was now part of our unusual household.

Hayley's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Entry one: The trials
    07 Feb 2024 01:32:32
  2. Entry two: The bramble
    14 Feb 2024 08:53:04
  3. Entry 3: Rosebloom
    23 Feb 2024 12:59:16
  4. Entry 4: Hearts and Dreams
    26 Feb 2024 02:35:57
  5. Entry 5: of ghosts and wolves
    27 Feb 2024 03:13:42
  6. Entry 6: Hillfield and Deals with Fae
    28 Feb 2024 01:42:09
  7. Entry 7: mysteries and pastries
    10 Mar 2024 06:27:40
  8. Entry 8: The scarecrow ruse
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. Entry 9: A betrayal of satyrs
    7th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  10. Entry 10: The fate of twins
    8th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  11. Entry 11: Cursed twins
    10th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  12. Entry 12: Loss and despair
    11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  13. Hayley's rules to being a Witch
    22 Apr 2024 03:26:28
  14. Entry 13: the price of safety
    12th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  15. Entry 14: A golden cage and fiery tower
    13th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  16. Entry 15: A trial by fire
    14th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  17. Entry 16: Keralon
    15th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Luke 1
    15 May 2024 07:04:31
  19. Letter to Luke 2
    15 May 2024 10:13:52
  20. Letter to Luke 3
    15 May 2024 10:15:10
  21. Letter to Luke 4
    15 May 2024 10:16:03
  22. Letter to Luke 5
    15 May 2024 10:17:19
  23. Letter to Luke 6
    15 May 2024 10:17:51
  24. Entry 17: I shall wear midnight
    1st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. Entry 18: peace in our time
    2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  26. Entry 19: Caern Fussil falls
    3rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. Entry 20: I see fire
    4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Entry 21: Cultists twarted
    10th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. Entry 22: Ravensfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  30. Entry 23: The Hollow Hill Horror
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  31. Entry 24: Burn your village
    16th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. Entry 25: Ravensfield burns
    17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  33. Entry 26: There will be blood!
    21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  34. Entry 27: A happy reunion
    22nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  35. Entry 28: The embassy ball
    23rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  36. Entry 29: The fate of Robert Talespinner
    24th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  37. Entry 30: A royal summons
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  38. Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  39. Entry 32: A boggle named Pim
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

The major events and journals in Hayley's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 27: More than one court

12:35 am - 16.10.2024

Session 27: More than one court

06:05 pm - 15.10.2024

Entry 32: A boggle named Pim

Dear diary, During breakfast, it became clear that Liliana hadn't had the best night—she looked even paler than usual, her already fair complexion drained of color. She dismissed it casually, blaming something she ate the night before and assuring us...

02:52 pm - 13.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese

Dear diary, It was early morning, the day after the palace party, when a messenger knocked on our door. He carried a summons from Nordic, the royal administrator, requesting us to meet him at the old keep in Dogville by noon. There, he promised to give...

12:58 pm - 08.10.2024

Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese

Dear diary, It was early morning, the day after the palace party, when a messenger knocked on our door. He carried a summons from Nordic, the royal administrator, requesting us to meet him at the old keep in Dogville by noon. There, he promised to give...

02:12 pm - 07.10.2024

Session 25: Nobles and Knights

02:38 am - 02.10.2024

Session 25: Nobles and Knights

06:09 pm - 01.10.2024

Entry 30: A royal summons

Dear diary, A few days had slipped by since the chaos at the embassy, giving us just enough time to rest up for the inevitable royal summons. The invitation finally came, calling us to the palace in the early afternoon. Naturally, we agreed to go toget...

03:16 pm - 30.09.2024

Session 24: Honor and Reward

02:16 pm - 24.09.2024

Session 24: Honor and Reward

02:16 pm - 24.09.2024

Entry 29: The fate of Robert Talespinner

Rachnar’s face was tight with worry as he pulled us aside, his voice low. “My son, Norgar, has gone missing from the party. My guards have searched everywhere, but there’s no sign of him.” His gaze swept over us, his eyes pleading. "You’ve helpe...

02:30 pm - 14.09.2024

Session 23: no longer an old friend

04:23 pm - 04.09.2024

Session 23: no longer an old friend

04:23 pm - 04.09.2024

Entry 28: The embassy ball

Dear diary, Alistan and Liliana returned with news that made me roll my eyes and reignited old frustrations. Their mother, Sofia Delaroost, had arrived in Keralon for the ball. I hadn't given her much thought since our rather unpleasant encounter in Hi...

02:44 pm - 01.09.2024

Session 22: Lost and found

09:01 pm - 27.08.2024

Session 22: Lost and found

06:01 pm - 27.08.2024

Entry 27: A happy reunion

Over breakfast, we mulled over the implications of the dragon construct's remains, and its lingering aura of malevolence. The danger it posed was clear: any unsuspecting traveler or explorer who stumbled upon it would be at risk of succumbing to the chaot...

09:54 pm - 24.08.2024

Entry 27: A happy reunion

Over breakfast, we mulled over the implications of the dragon construct's remains, and its lingering aura of malevolence. The danger it posed was clear: any unsuspecting traveler or explorer who stumbled upon it would be at risk of succumbing to the chaot...

09:54 pm - 24.08.2024

Session 21: The embassy

07:33 pm - 22.08.2024

Session 21: The embassy

07:33 pm - 22.08.2024

Entry 26: There will be blood!

Dear Diary, It’s been a few days since I’ve found the time to write. We’ve been on the road ever since the battle at Ravensfield, and the memories of that night still weigh heavily on my heart. When we fled the burning village, we stood at the...

03:29 pm - 11.08.2024

Session 20: Return to Keralon

03:07 am - 07.08.2024

Session 20: Return to Keralon

06:00 pm - 06.08.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 20: I see fire

Dear diary, When we woke up, Amarra was gone. Gael informed us she had slipped away in the night, likely avoiding another round of arguments with Luke. She was never one for long goodbyes. Left with no choice but to move forward, we had a quick breakfa...

03:37 pm - 03.08.2024

Hayley's diary entry 19: Caern Fussil falls

Dear diary, As I write this, we sit amidst the smoldering ruins of what was once Caern Fussil, the wizard tower where my brother Luke had been an apprentice for the past few years. How did it fall to ruin, you ask? Patience, dear reader; for the tale b...

03:33 pm - 03.08.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 24: Ravensfield burns

Dear diary, Throughout the day and into the night, the villagers evacuated Ravensfield. With our defenses meticulously set up, we managed to get a good night’s rest, knowing the battle ahead would test our limits. Not trusting the twisted sense of ho...

03:11 pm - 03.08.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 24:

Dear diary, Throughout the day and into the night, the villagers evacuated Ravensfield. With our defenses meticulously set up, we managed to get a good night’s rest, knowing the battle ahead would test our limits. Not trusting the twisted sense of ho...

03:09 pm - 03.08.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 23: Burn your village

Dear diary, The trip back from the temple went smoothly, and we decided to drop the two prisoners off with Zem and Saphira. They could keep guard over them while we dealt with Reynis for the night. Tying him up and blindfolding him hadn’t worked, so ...

12:47 pm - 28.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

12:28 am - 24.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

12:28 am - 24.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

06:07 pm - 23.07.2024

Session 18: Death comes to Ravensfield

10:17 pm - 17.07.2024

Session 18: Death comes to Ravensfield

10:17 pm - 17.07.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 22: The Hollow Hill Horror

Dear diary, The next morning, we set off into the forest towards Hollow Hill. Raynis agreed to come with us, though he was visibly apprehensive about revisiting the horrors inflicted on him in the ruins. He insisted on staying outside, and we respected...

11:57 am - 14.07.2024

Session 17: secrets of Hollow Hill

10:37 pm - 12.07.2024

Session 17: secrets of Hollow Hill

10:37 pm - 12.07.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 21: Ravensfield

Dear diary, The morning of the 11th of Nuan, we set out for what has become my new home over the past five years: the village of Ravensfield. With our group back together, I decided to buy a new horse to help pull the cart we got from the villagers in ...

01:55 pm - 27.06.2024

Session 16: The Ravensfield Mystery

10:17 pm - 24.06.2024

Session 16: The Ravensfield Mystery

10:17 pm - 24.06.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 20: Cultists twarted

Dear diary, A week has passed since I last wrote here, and a whirlwind of events has swept through our lives. The city has been abuzz with activity for the past five days, all in preparation for the grand welcoming of Norgar Laar and Rachnar Ergoll. On...

02:54 pm - 17.06.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 19: I see fire

Dear diary, When we woke up, Amarra was gone. Gael informed us she had slipped away in the night, likely avoiding another round of arguments with Luke. She was never one for long goodbyes. Left with no choice but to move forward, we had a quick breakfa...

12:05 pm - 12.06.2024

Session 15: the Joyous Entry

08:54 pm - 11.06.2024

Session 15: the Joyous Entry

06:16 pm - 11.06.2024

Hayley's diary entry 18: Caern Fussil falls

Dear diary, As I write this, we sit amidst the smoldering ruins of what was once Caern Fussil, the wizard tower where my brother Luke had been an apprentice for the past few years. How did it fall to ruin, you ask? Patience, dear reader; for the tale b...

11:35 am - 05.06.2024

Hayley's diary entry 18: peace in our time

Dear Diary, I jot this down as I sit in the basement of The Dull Blade, the tavern that serves as the headquarters of the Hedge Knights of the Long Table, awaiting my initiation into their ranks. As you might guess, our mission was a resounding success...

08:10 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 14: Dying Flames

08:09 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 14: Dying Flames

04:59 pm - 28.05.2024

Hayley's diary entry 18: peace in our time

Dear Diary, I jot this down as I sit in the basement of The Dull Blade, the tavern that serves as the headquarters of the Hedge Knights of the Long Table, awaiting my initiation into their ranks. As you might guess, our mission was a resounding success...

03:52 pm - 24.05.2024

Session 13: Opposing scales

01:37 am - 22.05.2024

Session 13: Opposing scales

04:55 pm - 21.05.2024

Hayley's diary entry 17: I shall wear midnight

Dear Diary, It’s been five long years since I last wrote in this diary. Not that I’ve neglected keeping a journal—just this one. The day we said goodbye to our companions from Tarn, I set it aside. Now that we've reunited, it feels fitting to pic...

12:16 pm - 17.05.2024

Session 12: Has it been that long?

07:45 pm - 15.05.2024

Letter to Luke 6

Dear brother, I am happy to hear you have arrived safely back at Caern Fussil and that Amarra has accepted you again for training. I told you not to worry about it. She saw the potential in you five years ago, and that has not changed, quite the contra...

10:18 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Luke 5

My dear brother, Have you run out of fair human maidens that you have now decided to court a demon girl? No prejudice of course, at least she sounds more helpful than Lyra did. And you are mistaken my darling brother, I do agree with your decision to h...

10:17 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Luke 4

My darling brother, I am sorry to hear that the romance with Kyra did not end well. I liked the girl, and I fondly remember the two of you stopping by the village here. Finally I got to celebrate your luck with you and I think we ran out of wine at som...

10:16 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Luke 3

Oh you fool of a Thomas! How have you managed to get yourself lured into a crossbow wedding? I swear that one of these days your craving for romance and companionship will be the end of you. At least this time it is not a noble who’ll discard you at ...

10:15 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Luke 2

My dearest Luke, Oh darling brother of mine, what mess have you gotten yourself into. At least I hope this will teach you the lesson to not trust nobles. I am sorry I never met Emily, but it sounds like it is a good thing it ended. What is it with ...

10:14 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Luke 1

Dear brother of mine, I am always happy to hear from you, even though it is too few and too far in between. My hopes would have been that we could have stayed in touch more here in Keralon, but I am afraid our respective duties take up too much of our ...

07:05 am - 15.05.2024

Session 12: Has it been that long?

05:28 pm - 14.05.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 16: Keralon

Dear diary, Even this close to Keralon, within the comforting embrace of an inn, our night wasn’t as peaceful as we had hoped. In the early hours of the morning, we were stirred from our sleep by a commotion on the landing. The sharp scent of smoke f...

12:37 pm - 08.05.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 15: A trial by fire

Dear diary, The night at Caern Fussil passed quietly, giving us a much-needed break from our eventful journey. Over breakfast, Luke buzzed with excitement, sharing his conversation with Amarra from the evening before. She had performed a ritual on him ...

10:31 am - 08.05.2024

Session 11: Keralon, Finally?

07:47 pm - 07.05.2024

Session 11: Keralon, Finally?

05:02 pm - 07.05.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 14: A golden cage and fiery tower

Dear diary, The final defeat of Cornu and the chance to rest in warm, cozy beds granted us a much-needed reprieve. Even though the Lorewood remained cloaked in a heavy mist, the eerie howls of wolves had faded away, retreating along with the hunter's f...

02:20 pm - 06.05.2024

Session 10: Keralon, finally?

08:54 pm - 30.04.2024

Session 10: Keralon, finally?

04:58 pm - 30.04.2024

Hayley's diary, entry 13: the price of safety

Dear Diary, As I write this, a wave of frustration washes over me. My plans and intentions have crumbled, and I can't help but feel a tinge of anger toward myself. Despite promising to stay behind and search for Robert and Gael, I might have to abandon...

11:43 am - 24.04.2024

Session 9: Wooden walls and slippery slopes

09:46 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 9: Wooden walls and slippery slopes

04:30 pm - 23.04.2024

Hayley's rules to being a Witch

Always face your fear. Have just enough money, never too much, and some string. Even if it's not your fault, it's your responsibility. Witches deal with things. Never stand between two mirrors. Never cackle. Do what you must do. Never...

03:29 pm - 22.04.2024

Session 8: Bloody mist

08:05 pm - 02.04.2024

Session 8: Bloody mist

04:56 pm - 02.04.2024

Rereading the poem, I have become aware that this might not be about Luke and Hayley, but also about Liliana and Alistan. Though I will stick with my original gut feeling that it is about the magical twins.

06:11 pm - 30.03.2024

Session 7: On to Logvale

03:42 pm - 30.03.2024

Session 7: On to Logvale

06:03 pm - 26.03.2024

Session 6: Satyr Unrest

10:19 pm - 19.03.2024

Session 6: Satyr Unrest

05:59 pm - 19.03.2024

Session 5: Troubles with tears

09:29 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 5: Troubles with tears

05:47 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 4: Troubles with tears

08:56 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 4: Troubles with tears

05:56 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 3: Going West

09:29 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 3: Going West

09:29 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 2: The Bramble trial

09:09 pm - 13.02.2024

Session 2: The Bramble trial

09:09 pm - 13.02.2024

Hayley's Diary, entry One: A day of excitement

Dear diary, As we are about to set out into the world, on our journey through life, I've decided to keep a journal. I know my brother is doing the same, or rather has already been doing so for a while, and it might be interesting to compare notes later...

02:28 pm - 08.02.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Hayley.

Played by