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12th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree

Entry 13: the price of safety

by Hayley Thomas

Dear Diary,
As I write this, a wave of frustration washes over me. My plans and intentions have crumbled, and I can't help but feel a tinge of anger toward myself. Despite promising to stay behind and search for Robert and Gael, I might have to abandon that plan. Gael has rejoined us, and I'll share more about that later, but Robert is still missing. The thought of leaving him behind without even attempting to find him weighs heavily on me.
After the chaotic night and minimal rest, we pressed on in the morning. We were all worn down from the relentless fighting and fleeing, with some still nursing injuries. Our sleep-deprived state hindered our ability to regain our magic, leaving us with no chance for solace until we reach safety.
We used the Tarnstones to get in touch with Gael, and to our relief, he was safe and had met up with Sylvesse. He promised to catch up with us later. At least the day started with some good news. The rest of the day also felt smoother, lifting our spirits as it went on. The mist still lingered, as did the haunting howls of wolves, reminding us that Cornu was still on the prowl. But we started to see signs of logging activity—the road was in better shape, and old campsites dotted the landscape.
Shortly after midday, we noticed a secondary path branching off from the main road. Although it headed in the wrong direction, it caught our attention. Several trees along the path bore bright blue runes, resembling shimmering ice. They were marked with the Sylvan rune for safety. Luke noted that while the path looked brand new, there was no sign of logging, so it likely wasn’t created by the people of Logvale. The thought crossed my mind that it could be a trap, so I sent Fiachna to scout the path ahead. She returned to report that the path continued for a long stretch, marked clearly with the runes, but nothing else out of the ordinary.
The promise of a safe passage was too tempting to ignore, even though it might have been a trap. Not all the fey creatures in this forest were our enemies, so we chose to take the risk. As we walked down the path, the air grew chillier, and the distant howling of wolves faded until there were no animal sounds at all. Apart from the cold, the journey was peaceful and quiet.
As dusk started to fall, the path merged with a larger road that we recognized as the main road we had initially left behind. My dear brother was quick to point out the impossibility of this, as the road couldn't have curved back on itself.
The only explanation I could offer was that this path marked with Sylvan runes was a secret gateway through the Feywild, bending the natural rules of our world and leading us back to the main road. The layers between the Feywild and our world are thin here. My suspicion was confirmed when I saw a signpost further down the road indicating Logvale was now only two hours away, instead of the three days it would have taken us otherwise. It seemed we had taken a shortcut through the mysterious realms of the Feywild, finding safe passage in a way we had not anticipated.
Eager to reach Logvale and the promise of warm meals and comfortable beds, we pushed on with renewed energy. But safety was not yet within easy reach. As we approached the village, we were met with an extraordinary sight. The palisades were lined with glowing runes of bright red and orange, burning away the mystical fog that had enveloped the village. It was hard to believe a small logging village would possess such potent warding magic, but given the recent chaos, perhaps it was a wise precaution.
As we neared the gates, signs of recent fighting became evident—scattered bodies and trampled ground marked the scene. Before we could question what had transpired, we were surrounded by a pack of two-headed wolves. Then, Cornu emerged from the shadows, blocking our way to the gate. His expression darkened with disappointment as he realized Gael was not with us, clearly having expected him to rejoin us sooner after his daring escape.
Just as the tension peaked, the gates of Logvale swung open, and a woman stepped through, wielding a holy symbol with authority. She urged us to enter the conclave, assuring us it was warded against the fey.
The wolves charged in from all sides, and a mad scramble for safety ensued. Edward and Liliana confronted Cornu in close combat to buy us time. I found myself locked in battle at Dorr’s side, fending off one of the wolves while the others rushed toward the gate. But just when it seemed the odds were stacked against us, Gael and Sylvesse burst from the forest, joining the fray and turning the tide in our favor.
Despite Liliana’s efforts to shield him, Edward was struck down, but his sister managed to save him with her last reserves of magic. Dorr and I defeated one of the wolves while another fell victim to our horses’ hooves. The two remaining wolves were occupied by Sylvesse, and it seemed for the first time in a while that victory might be within our grasp.
The clash at the gates of Logvale took a darker turn than any of us could have anticipated. Cornu's assault on Liliana and Alistan was swift and brutal, and as they fell, it was all Elsa and Edward could do to stabilize them. I ordered Dorr to carry them inside the safety of Logvale as I unleashed a barrage of spells on the remaining wolves, hoping to give Sylvesse the advantage.
Yet the tragedy deepened when one of the wolves lunged for Sylvesse’s throat, bringing the noble protector to his knees. As Sylvesse crumbled to the ground, the other wolf sealed his fate, leaving no hope of saving him.
Though Sylvesse’s sacrifice bought us precious moments to reach safety, the cost was dear. I could see the pain in Gael’s eyes at the loss of his friend and mentor, a pain I couldn’t even begin to comprehend. It made me think of my own mentor, Terrin, and how devastating it would be to lose him like this. I longed to offer Gael comfort, but there were pressing matters that needed our immediate attention.
Farrah, the formidable leader of Logvale, took charge as soon as we crossed into the safety of the village. I quickly filled her in on our situation, recounting the recent events in Lorewood and our desperate battle with Cornu and his wolves. Farrah confirmed our fears—Logvale had also been suffering under the strange mist and attacks from the Dianios. But the arcane runes that protected Logvale kept the town safe from anything extraplanar. She mentioned that they didn’t know the origins of the magic—Logvale had been settled long before it became a logging camp.
Despite the limited beds available at the inn, Farrah generously offered us whatever comfort she could provide. To avoid arguments, I made the decision to give the beds to those who needed them most: Elsa, Alistan, and Edward. The rest of us had to let fate decide who would sleep on the floor. As for me, I had already volunteered to take a spot by the fire, and fate chose Liliana to keep me company.
Gael, still wrestling with his emotions over Sylvesse’s death, decided to spend the night outside alone. I hugged him tightly before he left, trying to offer some solace to my dear friend in his time of grief. As the evening settled, I found myself reflecting on the mysteries of Lorewood and the challenges that still lay ahead.
You'd think reaching the safety of Logvale would mark the end of our troubles. The village's arcane defenses seemed impenetrable, promising warm meals, soft beds, and the comfort of a roof overhead. But the peace was short-lived.
Just as the first light of dawn broke, a cry of alarm from Gael rang out. We rushed outside, only to find Gael on the ground, struck down by an arrow, and Cornu standing inside Logvale. Somehow, the relentless hunter had slipped past the village's magical barriers.
But this time, the odds were in our favor. Cornu was alone and outnumbered, still bearing the wounds and exhaustion of previous fights, while we had rested and recovered. Ileas healed Gael, and before most of us could even join the fight, Gael grabbed his bow. Guided by his fury over losing Sylvesse and the mysterious golden light shining from Cornu's packs, he aimed true and shot an arrow into Cornu's only remaining eye.
Just like that, it was over. The two harrowing days of combat and being hunted by Cornu had finally come to an end. Gael approached Cornu's pack, drawn by the golden light emanating from it. As he opened it, he discovered Sylvesse's cut-off golden antlers, still glowing with an otherworldly light.
Gael's intent was to bury the antlers as a final farewell to his fallen friend. But as soon as he touched them, they began to melt into pure gold, transforming into a magnificent bow. It was a final gift from Sylvesse to his beloved ward, a symbol of their unbreakable bond and the courage they had shown together.
12th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree

Continue reading...

  1. Entry one: The trials
  2. Entry two: The bramble
  3. Entry 3: Rosebloom
  4. Entry 4: Hearts and Dreams
  5. Entry 5: of ghosts and wolves
  6. Entry 6: Hillfield and Deals with Fae
  7. Entry 7: mysteries and pastries
  8. Entry 8: The scarecrow ruse
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. Entry 9: A betrayal of satyrs
    7th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  10. Entry 10: The fate of twins
    8th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  11. Entry 11: Cursed twins
    10th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  12. Entry 12: Loss and despair
    11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  13. Hayley's rules to being a Witch
  14. Entry 13: the price of safety
    12th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  15. Entry 14: A golden cage and fiery tower
    13th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  16. Entry 15: A trial by fire
    14th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  17. Entry 16: Keralon
    15th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Luke 1
  19. Letter to Luke 2
  20. Letter to Luke 3
  21. Letter to Luke 4
  22. Letter to Luke 5
  23. Letter to Luke 6
  24. Entry 17: I shall wear midnight
    1st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. Entry 18: peace in our time
    2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  26. Entry 19: Caern Fussil falls
    3rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. Entry 20: I see fire
    4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Entry 21: Cultists twarted
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  29. Entry 22: Ravensfield
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  30. Entry 23: The Hollow Hill Horror
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  31. Entry 24: Burn your village
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  32. Entry 25: Ravensfield burns
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  33. Entry 26: There will be blood!
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  34. Entry 27: A happy reunion
    22nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  35. Entry 28: The embassy ball
    23rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  36. Entry 29: The fate of Robert Talespinner
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  37. Entry 30: A royal summons
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  38. Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese
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  39. Entry 32: A boggle named Pim
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree