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3rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

Entry 19: Caern Fussil falls

by Hayley Thomas

Dear diary,
As I write this, we sit amidst the smoldering ruins of what was once Caern Fussil, the wizard tower where my brother Luke had been an apprentice for the past few years. How did it fall to ruin, you ask? Patience, dear reader; for the tale begins last evening.
It all started when Alistan and I were led into the shadowy basement of The Dull Blade. We presented our hard-earned coins to the cloaked figure seated there, who scrutinized them before nodding in approval. With a low rumble, a secret door swung open, revealing a spiral staircase descending further into the depths beneath the tavern, the true heart of the Hedge Knights' headquarters.
The air grew cooler as we descended, the stone walls illuminated by flickering torches casting long, dancing shadows. The further we went, the more I felt the weight of history and tradition pressing down on us. We finally reached a vast chamber, its walls adorned with ancient tapestries depicting the exploits of past Hedge Knights. At the center stood a grand, long table made of dark, polished wood, its surface etched with intricate symbols and runes.
A handful of knights greeted us and offered food and drink. They asked questions, and chatted with us while we waited. They also informed us that most of the knights had already gone, so the true initiation ceremony would be performed later. However, they mentioned we would get to meet Klaus. The mention of his name caused some amusement among the knights present, and I was sure we would shortly know what this private joke was about.
Sure enough, about an hour later, we were led even further down into the depths of the Dull Blade. We entered an enormous hall, its columns rising majestically to support the vaulted ceiling. Eerie whispers surrounded us as we walked through the freezing cold among the columns. Suddenly, a massive spectral dragon manifested in front of us, its terrifying roar sending chills down our spines. But we held our ground, ready to fight.
As we stood firm, the roar morphed into a thunderous laugh, echoing through the cavern. The spectral dragon, known as Klaus among the knights, settled down and warmly greeted us. With a twinkle in his spectral eyes, he praised our bravery and welcomed us into the esteemed ranks of the Long Table. Klaus revealed that the gate behind him led to the sacred heart of the Long Table’s headquarters, where we were always honored guests.
After an insightful round of questioning, we ascended back up and reunited with our companions at Erna’s Wish for a lively post-initiation celebration. Alistan valiantly attempted to recount the epic tale of our knighthood, but the excitement proved too much for the twins. Despite Liliana’s assistance, their musical talents far outweighed their storytelling skills. Nevertheless, it was a night filled with exhilaration, and we retired to our beds, utterly spent yet content.
The next morning, we were rudely awakened by a frantic Luke, his words tumbling out in a jumbled mess about a message from Amarra and a fire elemental wreaking havoc in his room. It was a lot to process before my morning coffee, but Luke’s urgency left us with no time to dawdle.
As we made our way to the De La Roost mansion, Luke managed to piece together a coherent explanation. Amarra had urgently summoned him to Caern Fussil, insisting we all accompany him. Hastily gathering our friends and mounting our horses, we dashed towards the wizard tower.
Approaching the tower, Luke noted the absence of smoke, a stark deviation from the usual scene. Sending Fiachna ahead for reconnaissance, she returned with alarming news—Caern Fussil was under siege by two monstrous Umber Hulks, towering insectoid creatures.
With urgency driving our steps, we raced to the tower's aid. Liliana, fueled by determination, charged ahead to confront the beasts. But in the blink of an eye, she lay battered on the ground from a fierce blow.
Drawing upon my magic, I sought to turn the tide of battle, weaving curses to weaken our foes and channeling healing energy through Fiachna to sustain Liliana. In a fierce and frantic clash, we vanquished the Umber Hulks, their lifeless forms sprawled before us.
With the immediate threat quelled, we ventured into the battered tower, our hearts heavy with worry for Amarra's safety.
As we stepped into the tower's depths, the aftermath of a brutal battle greeted us—scattered debris, shattered relics, and lingering echoes of strife. Yet amidst the chaos, we pressed forward, guided by Luke's unwavering determination.
Navigating through the labyrinth of illusion magic that cloaked the basement, we discovered Amarra, battered and unconscious but mercifully alive. Liliana's healing touch stirred her from slumber, relief flooding her weary features at the sight of familiar faces.
With a heavy heart, Amarra recounted the harrowing tale of her past catching up with her—a vengeful former lover, wielding dark magic and bent on her demise. Was it mere coincidence or the sinister machinations of fate that this seems to befall wizards?
Expressing her intent to flee to safety, Amarra entrusted Luke with a crucial task—to retrieve the crystal that anchored Caern Fussil to the elemental plane of fire, ensuring its legacy endured. But her refusal of our aid spoke volumes, a testament to the dangers that lurked beyond the tower's walls.
As dusk settled over the ruined tower, we rallied together, salvaging what meager supplies remained and fortifying our makeshift camp in the basement. With dawn's light, we would embark on a perilous quest, our resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.
After five years of respite, the call of adventure beckoned once more, weaving its threads of excitement and uncertainty into the tapestry of our lives.
3rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

Continue reading...

  1. Entry one: The trials
  2. Entry two: The bramble
  3. Entry 3: Rosebloom
  4. Entry 4: Hearts and Dreams
  5. Entry 5: of ghosts and wolves
  6. Entry 6: Hillfield and Deals with Fae
  7. Entry 7: mysteries and pastries
  8. Entry 8: The scarecrow ruse
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. Entry 9: A betrayal of satyrs
    7th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  10. Entry 10: The fate of twins
    8th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  11. Entry 11: Cursed twins
    10th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  12. Entry 12: Loss and despair
    11th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  13. Hayley's rules to being a Witch
  14. Entry 13: the price of safety
    12th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  15. Entry 14: A golden cage and fiery tower
    13th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  16. Entry 15: A trial by fire
    14th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  17. Entry 16: Keralon
    15th of Lug, 121 year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Luke 1
  19. Letter to Luke 2
  20. Letter to Luke 3
  21. Letter to Luke 4
  22. Letter to Luke 5
  23. Letter to Luke 6
  24. Entry 17: I shall wear midnight
    1st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  25. Entry 18: peace in our time
    2nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  26. Entry 19: Caern Fussil falls
    3rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  27. Entry 20: I see fire
    4th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  28. Entry 21: Cultists twarted
    10th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  29. Entry 22: Ravensfield
    14th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  30. Entry 23: The Hollow Hill Horror
    15th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  31. Entry 24: Burn your village
    16th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  32. Entry 25: Ravensfield burns
    17th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  33. Entry 26: There will be blood!
    21st of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  34. Entry 27: A happy reunion
    22nd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  35. Entry 28: The embassy ball
    23rd of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  36. Entry 29: The fate of Robert Talespinner
    24th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  37. Entry 30: A royal summons
    28th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  38. Entry 31: of Dogville and Geese
    29th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree
  39. Entry 32: A boggle named Pim
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree