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Thu 29th Jul 2021 07:31

Opportunity Lost

by Rhaza

*The edges of this page and many of the ones following it are covered in dried blood*
So far, this extra job has been dangerous, but lucrative. There was some strange business with some religious types, guarding some old artifacts. And another thing you wouldn't believe, living statues of some kind of lion people. We managed to deal with both of them and find some kind of ancient treasure they were guarding. A blue scarab.
I have to say brother, I forgot the first rule of stealing in that room: Nothing is ever easy. The door shut on me and the room began filling with sand. Luckily Sobek held the door open for me. Friend nearly got crushed for it, but now we should be a good deal richer. This will buy us a lot of essentials, for a long time.
I write this after the first day, after we left to let Sobek rest up. Tomorrow we should finish looking around, and I suspect there may be more hidden secrets. That means more money for us brother. When I get back to read this to you, you'll already know how much.
*The bottom of the page has Draconic script and flecks of dried blood*