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Fri 14th May 2021 05:54

Third Night of Golden Falcon Contract

by Rhaza

The first three days of our journey has went well. Better than well, in some aspects. We are less than a day's travel to the Aeon cliffs as I write this. The jungle has been both beautiful and frightening. I worry about the cliffs. I am used to heights, but I'm sure the buildings of Ashqar can't prepare me for what we're about to traverse.
There are two professors and three other guards travelling with me. There are also many students, but none have stood out to me.The professors seem nice enough, although they are fairly old to be making such a trip by land. You would like them, if you met them.
The other escorts include 2 outlanders and a dragonborn. Falcon is certainly saving their gold on this trip. Their is a nobleman from the Baronies, family name of Thornheart. He seems incredibly out of his depth in the wilderness. We had to travel through some marshland by the River of Sand, but his face almost made it worth it. The other is more polite, but even stranger. An armored woman from the church, Trystan. Follows the Scripture, of course. She carries a dark sword around with her everywhere she goes. It's attached by a chain to her wrist, and she never let's it go. Says it's "symbolic", but she definitely knows how to use it. Lastly, the dragonborn, Sobek, is a green-scaled beast of a man. He's older, but he carries around an axe that probably weighs more than you. Probably older, too. I think he enjoyed the trip through the marshes as well as I did.
First days were uneventful. Scared off some wildlife trying to raid the food stores. Third day, we came across another camp. They were bandits, though we didn't know at first. Thornheart said he had a plan, and asked me to cover him with the crossbow. Yes, you were right that I should spend some gold on it, but I hope I won't need further use of it; I think his plan involved him storming into the camp like only nobles can as a distraction. Sobek and I took half of them off guard, and most of them fled. I don't want to give further details to you.
Apparently they had stolen some crates filled with artifacts from a sandship. Maybe this will mean a bonus from Falcon. I will certainly argue for one.
*There are also several bulleted lines written in the Draconic script*

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