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Sun 2nd Apr 2023 02:37

Future Genisys

by Erevan Farstrider

The Brown Bottle Crew found themselves embroiled in yet another tale of time travel and deadly constructs when a mysterious, robed figure named Sybil appeared before them. She told the party that the timeline they had previously saved was now under threat once more due to a new, altered future. A powerful and sinister force had taken control of the Warforged army and sent a new type of Terminator, the T-3000, back in time to ensure the rise of the Skynet Legion in the Forgotten Realms. In this altered timeline, John Connerstone had become the T-3000, and it was up to the Brown Bottle Crew to stop him and prevent the rise of the Skynet Legion. To aid them in their mission, Sybil provided them with a portal to the past, where they would find an older, battle-hardened version of Sarah Connerstone and a reprogrammed Warforged T-800, now known as the Guardian.
Arriving in the past, the Brown Bottle Crew met with Sarah and the Guardian, who had been fighting the Skynet Legion and its constructs for years. Together, they devised a plan to destroy the Skynet Legion's main stronghold and prevent the creation of the T-3000. As they infiltrated the heavily fortified stronghold, the party encountered numerous Warforged constructs and magical traps, forcing them to rely on their skills and abilities to overcome the obstacles in their path. Elena's stealth and assassination skills, Wellby's control over nature, and Clorinda's knowledge of arcane magic proved invaluable in navigating the stronghold.
During their infiltration, they discovered the twisted John Connerstone, now the T-3000, who was overseeing the Skynet Legion's operations. The Brown Bottle Crew stood together in the heart of the Skynet Legion's stronghold, a vast chamber filled with arcane machinery and a pool of molten metal at its center. Across the room, the twisted form of John Connerstone, now the T-3000, sneered at them, his once-human visage marred by the intricate weave of metal and magical energy that now composed his being.
Lars, the shield dwarf Paladin of Tyr, stepped forward, his Dwarven Thrower and shield in hand, ready to enact his Oath of Vengeance. Siegmeyer, the human Paladin of Lathander, gripped Duskcrusher tightly, a mace imbued with the power of the sun, and stood beside Lars. As the battle began, Farstrider, the eladrin Monk and Druid, activated his elemental discipline, Fangs of the Fire Snake, his fists wreathed in flames, and dashed towards the T-3000. The construct, anticipating the attack, retaliated with a series of rapid, forceful strikes, but Farstrider's agility and skill allowed him to dodge and parry the blows.
Meanwhile, Elena, the human Assassin, utilized her stealth and cunning to maneuver behind the T-3000, ready to strike with her twin Radiant Daggers. Sarah Connerstone and the Guardian, a reprogrammed Warforged T-800, provided cover fire with their crossbows, attempting to draw the T-3000's attention. The T-3000, aware of Elena's presence, suddenly turned and launched an attack in her direction, only to be intercepted by Lars and Siegmeyer. As Lars struck with his Dwarven Thrower, Siegmeyer channeled divine energy into his mace and unleashed a powerful Divine Smite against their foe. The T-3000 recoiled, its metallic form momentarily destabilized by the force of their combined assault.
Seeing an opening, Elena leaped onto the T-3000's back and drove her Radiant Daggers into its neck, their divine power tearing through the construct's defenses. The T-3000 roared in pain and fury, its form shimmering and reforming as it attempted to dislodge Elena. As the T-3000 struggled, Wellby, the halfling Druid, called upon the power of nature, summoning a wall of thorns to surround and trap the construct. In response, the T-3000 unleashed a shockwave of force, shattering the wall and sending shards of thorns flying in all directions. Clorinda, the half-elf Wizard, quickly assessed the situation and began casting a powerful Dispel Magic spell, channeling all her knowledge and energy into the incantation. As she completed the spell, a wave of magical energy washed over the T-3000, causing its metallic form to flicker and weaken momentarily.
Seizing this opportunity, the Brown Bottle Crew launched a coordinated attack. Farstrider struck with a powerful Stunning Strike, while Sarah and the Guardian fired a barrage of arrows. Elena continued her relentless assault, her daggers finding purchase in the T-3000's weakened form. Lars and Siegmeyer charged forward, their weapons glowing with divine energy as they struck simultaneously, their combined might pushing the T-3000 closer to the edge of the molten metal pool. With one final, desperate strike, the Guardian grappled the T-3000, its own form beginning to break apart under the strain.
As the two constructs locked in combat, the Guardian, with a determined roar, forced the T-3000 over the edge and into the molten metal. The intense heat rapidly consumed them both, their forms dissolving and melting away in a brilliant display of light and fire. The T-3000 screeched in agony as its metallic body was reduced to nothing more than molten slag. The Brown Bottle Crew, battered and exhausted, watched as the final remnants of the T-3000 disappeared beneath the molten metal's surface. As the two constructs disappeared, the stronghold began to collapse around them.
The Brown Bottle Crew, along with Sarah Connerstone, made their way through the crumbling stronghold, narrowly escaping its destruction. With the Skynet Legion's operations thwarted and the T-3000 defeated, they had once again saved the timeline and the future of the Forgotten Realms. As they caught their breath and surveyed the smoldering remains of the stronghold, Sybil appeared before them once more. She thanked them for their bravery and, with a wave of her hand, opened a portal to return them to their own time. The Brown Bottle Crew stepped through the portal, eager to continue their adventures and ever mindful of the impact their actions had on the future.
(Brought to you by ChatGPT 4!)