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Thu 23rd Mar 2023 04:48

The Thing About Icewind Dale

by Erevan Farstrider

In the frigid and remote lands of Icewind Dale, in the Forgotten Realms, "The Brown Bottle Crew" found themselves seeking shelter from a vicious snowstorm. They stumbled upon a small, isolated research outpost called "Auril's Tears," inhabited by a group of arcane researchers and scientists who were studying the icy landscape and its ancient secrets. The outpost was built around an ancient, frozen tower, rumored to be a remnant of the lost Ostorian civilization.
As the storm raged outside, the adventurers settled in and shared stories with the researchers, led by Dr. Ander Brightwood, a renowned wizard and scholar. The researchers showed the adventurers their most recent and exciting discovery: a massive block of ice containing an unknown, seemingly monstrous creature, excavated from deep beneath the tower.
Intrigued by the discovery, Siegmeyer, the Paladin of Lathander, prayed for guidance from his deity. As he finished his prayer, he was struck by a deep sense of foreboding. The creature trapped in ice was not of this world, and something sinister lurked within the outpost.
As night fell, the ice block began to crack and melt, releasing the monstrous creature within. It was a grotesque, shape-shifting monstrosity that could absorb and imitate any living being it consumed. The Thing, as the party named it, began to infiltrate the outpost, taking the form of various researchers and even the adventurers' own companions.
Paranoia quickly spread through Auril's Tears, as trust among the researchers and the adventurers eroded. Lars, the Paladin of Tyr, used his divine senses to try and discern the true nature of the creature, but its alien origin seemed to defy detection. Farstrider, the Eladrin Monk-Druid, attempted to track the creature's movements and predict its next form, while Elena, the Rogue Assassin, kept a close eye on everyone, ready to strike if the Thing revealed itself.
Wellby, the Halfling Druid, worked closely with Clorinda, the Half-Elf Wizard, to research the creature and find a way to detect and destroy it. After poring through ancient tomes and scrolls, they discovered a ritual that could potentially reveal the Thing's true form. The ritual required the blood of those present, as the Thing's blood would recoil from heat, revealing its identity.
As the ritual was performed, tensions rose, and the adventurers and researchers alike began to doubt their own identities. Finally, one of the researchers was revealed to be the Thing. In a horrific display, the creature's true form emerged as it tried to consume those nearby.
The battle was fierce, and the party fought valiantly, using their combined skills and spells to subdue the monstrous creature. Siegmeyer's divine power channeled Lathander's light to weaken the Thing, while Farstrider unleashed his elemental abilities to control the battlefield. Elena struck from the shadows, her twin Radiant Daggers slicing through the Thing's flesh. Wellby and Clorinda, both using their mastery of magic, unleashed powerful spells to bombard and restrain the creature.
In the end, Lars, driven by his Oath of Vengeance, dealt the final blow to the Thing with his Dwarven Thrower, banishing the foul creature back to the abyss from whence it came. With the Thing defeated, the remaining researchers and adventurers breathed a sigh of relief.
The Brown Bottle Crew stayed at the outpost for a few more days, helping the researchers deal with the aftermath of the gruesome ordeal. As the storm finally subsided, the adventurers bid farewell to their newfound friends and ventured back into the icy wilderness, forever changed by their encounter with the Thing.
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