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Mon 3rd Apr 2023 03:33

A Darkness Burning Bright

by Erevan Farstrider

In the small town of Greenfields, situated in the rolling hills of the Greenfields region of the Sword Coast, life was simple, and the locals enjoyed the quiet and the beauty of the land. Unknown to them, an extraordinary event was about to unfold. One fateful night, a mysterious comet streaked across the sky, crashing into the nearby Moonshae Isles. The Brown Bottle Crew, always eager for adventure, decided to investigate the crash site. Upon reaching the Isles, they discovered a small, damaged vessel containing a seemingly ordinary infant boy. The crew, touched by the child's plight, decided to bring him back to Greenfields and entrusted him to a loving couple, Toril and Elanna Brightburn, who were unable to have a child of their own.
Years passed, and the child, named Brandon, grew up in Greenfields under the care of his adoptive parents. At first, he appeared to be a normal boy, but as he approached adolescence, strange things began to happen. He discovered he possessed incredible strength, speed, and invulnerability, along with other extraordinary abilities. The Brown Bottle Crew, now recognized as local heroes, would occasionally hear rumors of the boy's extraordinary powers, but they dismissed them as mere tall tales.
One day, while exploring the nearby woods, Brandon stumbled upon the remains of the vessel that had brought him to the Moonshae Isles. Drawn to it, he uncovered a hidden chamber containing a cryptic message in an alien language. As he touched the message, something within him awoke, and he was suddenly filled with an overwhelming urge to bring destruction and chaos to the world. As Brandon began to unleash his newfound powers on the people of Greenfields, the town descended into chaos. The Brown Bottle Crew, alarmed by the sudden turn of events, realized that the rumors about Brandon were true. They took it upon themselves to stop him and protect the town from his devastating powers.
Their first encounter with Brandon was a sobering experience. The young boy's incredible strength, speed, and invulnerability caught them off guard, and they were forced to retreat, narrowly escaping with their lives. Determined to save the town and its people, the Brown Bottle Crew began researching and preparing for their next confrontation with Brandon.
Clorinda, the half-elf Divination Wizard, scoured ancient tomes and scrolls for any information about the mysterious message that had awakened Brandon's powers. Meanwhile, Wellby, the halfling Druid, sought guidance from the spirits of the land, hoping to find a weakness in the seemingly invincible boy. Farstrider, the eladrin Monk/Druid, studied Brandon's movements and tactics, devising a plan to subdue him. At the same time, Lars and Siegmeyer, the two Paladins, rallied the townsfolk and organized a militia to defend Greenfields from the ongoing attacks. Eleanora, the human Assassin, sought out the boy's adoptive parents, Toril and Elanna, who tearfully revealed that they had found a strange glowing crystal within the crashed vessel, which they had hidden away for fear of its power.
With this new information, the Brown Bottle Crew devised a plan. Using the crystal as a potential weapon, they set a trap for Brandon, luring him into a confrontation on the outskirts of Greenfields. As the battle began, the crew fought with all their might, combining their martial prowess, divine and arcane magic, and cunning tactics to subdue the rampaging child. The fight was brutal, but the Brown Bottle Crew's determination and teamwork began to wear down Brandon's defenses. Just as they began to gain the upper hand, Wellby used his Druidic magic to create a barrier around Brandon, trapping him momentarily. Eleanora, sensing the opportunity, swiftly threw the glowing crystal at the trapped boy. The crystal reacted to his presence, emitting a blinding flash of light and a powerful shockwave that knocked everyone to the ground.
As the dust settled, the Brown Bottle Crew cautiously approached the site of the explosion. To their amazement, they found Brandon lying unconscious, his powers seemingly neutralized. The mysterious crystal had done its job, and the boy who had once been a force of destruction was now as vulnerable as any other child. With Greenfields saved, the townsfolk hailed the Brown Bottle Crew as heroes once more. Toril and Elanna Brightburn tearfully thanked the adventurers for stopping their adopted son, and vowed to continue to care for him, hopeful that with love and guidance, he could overcome the darkness that had consumed him.
As for the Brown Bottle Crew, they continued their adventures, their bond strengthened by the challenges they had faced together. But they would always remember the events in Greenfields and the boy named Brandon, a somber reminder that even in the most unexpected places, great power can emerge, and it is the responsibility of those who wield power to use it wisely and for the good of all.
(Brought to you by ChatGPT 4!)