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Sat 1st Apr 2023 11:37

Terminal Future

by Erevan Farstrider

As the sun began to set over the bustling city of Waterdeep, The Brown Bottle Crew found themselves at their favorite tavern, The Singing Sword, after a long day of adventuring. As they shared stories of their recent exploits, a mysterious hooded figure entered the tavern, drawing the attention of the entire room. The figure slowly approached their table and revealed himself to be a powerful archmage named Elidris. With a sense of urgency in his voice, Elidris told the party that he had come from the distant future, where a powerful and malevolent construct, known as the Warforged Terminator, had been sent back in time by an evil mage to assassinate a young woman named Sarah Connerstone. Sarah, unbeknownst to her, was destined to give birth to a son who would grow up to lead the resistance against the mage's tyrannical rule. Elidris implored The Brown Bottle Crew to help him protect Sarah and stop the Warforged Terminator from altering the course of history. Feeling the weight of their responsibility, the party agreed to help and set off with Elidris to locate Sarah. They found her working as a barmaid at another local tavern.
As they explained the situation to her, she was understandably skeptical but decided to trust them when the Warforged Terminator burst into the tavern, its eyes glowing red with menace. Lars and Siegmeyer charged the Terminator head-on, their swords held high and their divine auras emanating power. Lars used his Channel Divinity to Abjure Enemy, attempting to weaken and immobilize the construct. Simultaneously, Siegmeyer called upon Lathander's power, using his Channel Divinity to Turn the Faithless, hoping to force the Terminator to flee from the holy light. While the two Paladins drew the Warforged Terminator's attention, Farstrider took advantage of his speed and agility to position himself for a surprise attack. He called upon the power of the Four Elements, using Fangs of the Fire Snake to deliver a searing strike to the construct's exposed joints. As Farstrider darted in and out of the fray, Elena expertly maneuvered into the shadows, ready to utilize her Assassinate ability for a precise and deadly attack.
Clorinda and Wellby remained at a distance, using their arcane prowess to support their companions and hinder the Warforged Terminator. Clorinda cast a series of Divination and Evocation spells, using her Portent ability to predict the Terminator's movements and guide her allies' actions. Meanwhile, Wellby summoned the forces of nature, casting spells like Entangle and Erupting Earth to control the battlefield and slow the construct's advances. The battle raged on, with the Warforged Terminator proving to be a formidable foe. Its magically enhanced strength and resilience allowed it to withstand the combined might of The Brown Bottle Crew. However, the party's teamwork and resourcefulness began to turn the tide. They systematically targeted the Terminator's weak points, wearing it down with a relentless barrage of attacks.
Farstrider, having used his remaining Ki, transformed into a powerful beast, a Dire Wolf, with his Circle of the Moon Druid abilities. He lunged at the Warforged Terminator, his fangs tearing through metal and magical circuits. At the same time, Elena emerged from the shadows and drove her Radiant Daggers into the construct's neck, exploiting the opening created by Farstrider's attack. Sensing the Warforged Terminator was on the verge of defeat, Lars and Siegmeyer redoubled their efforts. They unleashed a series of powerful Divine Smites, their weapons glowing with holy energy as they struck the construct with all their might. Clorinda and Wellby focused their magic on finishing the Terminator, launching a barrage of damaging spells like Fire Bolt and Ice Knife.
With a final, deafening clang, the Warforged Terminator collapsed to the ground, its once-glowing red eyes now dimmed and lifeless. The Brown Bottle Crew, exhausted but victorious, stood triumphant over the defeated construct. With the immediate threat dealt with, they focused on discovering who had sent the Terminator and how to prevent more from coming. Elidris used his knowledge of time magic to help the party track down the evil mage responsible, a powerful necromancer named Xanatos, who sought to control the future with an iron fist. Infiltrating his lair, they found a workshop filled with plans for more Warforged Terminators, as well as the means to send them through time.
Combining their skills and abilities, the party dismantled the workshop, put an end to Xanatos, and saved the future. With Sarah safe and the timeline preserved, Elidris thanked The Brown Bottle Crew for their bravery and selflessness, and with a flash of arcane energy, disappeared back to his own time. Back at The Singing Sword, the party raised their glasses in victory, proud of their role in shaping the future of the Forgotten Realms. Little did they know that their adventures with time-traveling constructs and powerful mages were far from over, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together as The Brown Bottle Crew.
(Brought to you by ChatGPT 4!)