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Mon 20th Mar 2023 11:41

Enduring The Ruins

by Erevan Farstrider

As the Brown Bottle Crew continued their adventures, they found themselves in a land far from their usual stomping grounds. The party had been traveling through dense jungles, following a map they had discovered in an old tome belonging to Wellby, which promised great knowledge and treasures hidden deep within the heart of the jungle. After several days of arduous travel, they reached their destination: an ancient ziggurat covered in vines and surrounded by thick foliage.
Upon approaching the ruins, the party encountered a group of locals who were visibly agitated and tried to warn them away from the ziggurat. Unable to understand their language, the crew pressed on, with the locals reluctantly following at a distance, watching with a mix of fear and concern.
As they climbed the steps of the ancient structure, Farstrider noticed that the vines and plants covering the ziggurat seemed to move in unnatural ways, but the party pressed on, driven by curiosity and the lure of treasure. Upon reaching the top, they discovered a large hole in the center of the ziggurat, leading down into darkness. Elena, ever the cautious one, volunteered to descend first, using her expert climbing skills and a rope.
As she descended, she noticed the walls were covered in strange, blood-red flowers. Suddenly, the vines around the hole tightened, cutting off Elena's escape. The party above, unaware of her predicament, began to feel a sense of unease as the vines continued to move, and the locals at the base of the ziggurat began to panic.
Wellby, sensing the danger, cast a Speak with Plants spell, attempting to communicate with the vines and flowers. To his horror, he discovered that the plants were carnivorous and had been feeding on the blood of those who ventured into the ruins. The plants had developed a taste for humanoid blood and were now intent on capturing the party as their next meal.
The crew sprang into action. Lars, with his divine strength, attempted to cut through the vines to free Elena while Siegmeyer stood guard, his mace at the ready. Farstrider, in his most powerful beast form, charged towards the vines, his monk abilities and druidic spells at his disposal.
Meanwhile, Clorinda, the divination wizard, cast a Scrying spell to gather more information on the situation. She discovered that the flowers had been a result of an ancient magical experiment gone awry, which had caused the plants to become sentient and carnivorous.
As the battle against the vines raged on, Wellby used his knowledge of nature and druidic abilities to find a weakness in the plants. He discovered that they were vulnerable to fire, and with this information, Clorinda began casting powerful fire spells, burning away the vines and saving Elena from a terrible fate.
With their combined efforts, the Brown Bottle Crew managed to destroy the carnivorous plants and free the locals from their reign of terror. Though they didn't find the treasure they sought, they had once again proven their strength and resourcefulness in the face of danger.
As they departed the ruined ziggurat, the grateful locals shared ancient knowledge and stories of other hidden treasures, setting the Brown Bottle Crew off on yet another adventure in the vast and mysterious world that lay before them.
(Brought to you by ChatGPT 4!)