Land of Ice, Giants and Mad men by Michael | World Anvil

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21 of Hammer 1493

Land of Ice, Giants and Mad men

by Michael Snowfield

We were able successfully hide from a mammoth riding a Giant. Galanodel described to me a mammoth as a giant goat with a tentacle as a nose with no horns.
We were able to find the Cackling Chasm
We entered the chasm and found a pouch with coin and A ripped piece of cloth sail with a symbol you don’t recognize.
Veld was talking to some one and told us to further into the chasm. A Gnoll came out and acknowledged us. Another Gnoll came out and attack Veld. Veld threw the Gnoll over the chasm and we peppered it from up above. We proceeded to let the Gnolls borrow the rope. We killed the crazed man in the cage. We traded the Obsidian Javelin for all the meat we have.
We were attacked by human looking things that was crazy frostbitten and cat crags. Detect Magic

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