Speakers And Squids? by Michael | World Anvil

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Fri 16th Jul 2021 05:35

Speakers And Squids?

by Michael Snowfield

The head of the Speaker council and Speaker of Bryn Shynder is Duvessa Shane. She is relatively young. Along her is Markham Southwell her guard.
Trovus - Speaker of the Caer Konig
Edgra Durmoot - Older human Dougan's Hole
Nimsby - Lonelywood
Naerth Maxildanarr - Targos
Oarus Masthew - Termalaine
Good Mead
Caer Dineval
Dorbulgruf Shalescar - Bremen
Akar Kessel
Crystal Tower that harness power of sun
Akar Kessel was defeated by Drizzt
Xardorok Sunblight their own god.
No answer to
Ship sunk some months ago with no survivors (Wizards involve)
Remember of the Arcane Brotherhood
6*100 piece
100 gp from each of the six smaller towns, and 300 gp each from Bryn Shander, Easthaven, Targos, and Termalaine.
Should be our town be destroyed
Stronghold is in the Spine of the World
Veld's family
Reghed Tribe
Telvaster Hangingbell - Psychic

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  7. Speakers And Squids?